Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Diamond And Silk Are Great Women!

Diamond and Silk Unleash on Black Racists in Congress Trying to Keep Them Down

There’s a powerful movement happening within black American culture — and liberals are not going to like it.
A new generation of African-American conservatives are rejecting leftist narratives. A trend has emerged: Black voices ranging from Candace Owens to — shockingly — Kanye West and Chance The Rapper are frustrated with the assumption that Democrats “own” black votes.
It looks like you can include conservative bloggers Diamond and Silk in the same group. On Friday, the fiery duo appeared on “Fox & Friends” and had a powerful message for liberal politicians, scolding black Democrats for treating them and other conservative African Americans poorly.

“We’re very thankful to the white Republicans that allowed us a seat at the table, to speak our truth about what’s going on — unlike the black men,” declared Silk, whose real name is Rochelle Richardson.
She was most likely referring to Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who tore into the two women during their recent congressional testimony on possible Facebook bias.
Jeffries repeatedly tried to imply that Diamond and Silk had been paid by the Trump campaign or were doing something wrong by earning money from their growing media platform. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee tried to make similar implications.
“We’ve been on the Democrat plantation. We know what it’s like over there,” Silk told the Fox hosts.

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“They are the ones who condition black people to make us think that white Republicans don’t want us to work, don’t want us to have any money in our pocket,” she added. “But it was the black men concerned about how much money Diamond and Silk were making, and were appalled about us making money legally.”
Lynnette “Diamond” Hardaway added, “And there ain’t nothing wrong with African Americans obtaining the American dream. That’s exactly why we voted for Trump.”
“It’s time for black Americans to come up and staying ‘stuck like Chuck’ listening to these black representatives,” Silk added. “We want to talk about white racism? It’s black-on-black racism. Black people need to check themselves first.”
It isn’t hard to find evidence that backs up Diamond and Silk’s frustrations. Take Democrat Joe Biden’s appalling claim that Republicans wanted to put black people “back in chains,” for instance.
Or look at how many African Americans are called “Uncle Toms” the moment they voice support for President Donald Trump or conservative ideas. The two ladies are right: A shocking amount of racial vitriol and divisiveness is coming fom black liberals, not white conservatives.
RELATED: NPR Literally Uses Racial Slur on Kanye for Daring to Question Democrats
The truth is that Barack Obama’s presidency was not good for black citizens, certainly as far as jobs and the economy are concerned. As  Owens recently pointed out, the future is actually looking up for black Americans under Trump.
“Progress is not a skin tone,” she explained earlier this week. “Progress is a number.” One by one, a wave of people are realizing the same thing.
A cultural shift may be underway. The left has lost control of the narrative — and that’s good news for people like Diamond and Silk who are fed up with being silenced.
What do you think? 

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