Saturday, May 19, 2018

For Once We Agree With Chuck Todd

Chuck Todd has a stunning take on Trump’s ‘animals’ controversy – here’s what he said

Chuck Todd has a stunning take on Trump’s ‘animals’ controversy – here’s what he said
MNSBC anchor Chuck Todd disagreed with most of the mainstream media and said it was reasonable for President Trump to call members of a violent street gang "animals." (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)
While the rest of the mainstream media kept misquoting President Trump’s comments about murderous MS-13 gang members, NBC’s Chuck Todd went against the grain and agreed with the president.
Here’s what Todd said
Todd was on the “Bernie & Sid in the Morning” radio show on WABC when he spoke about the “animals” controversy Friday.
“He’s speaking about these violent gang members. A lot of people have called violent anybodys animals,” Todd said.
“Anybody who is a violent criminal in my book can get called an animal if they’re sitting there mauling, killing and raping people,” he explained. “I don’t care where they’re from. This is not about that.”
Todd was referring to the online furor that ensued when it misreported that Trump called illegal aliens “animals” when he was actually responding to a question about vicious MS-13 gang members.
“These aren’t people,” Trump said. “These are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a rate that’s never happened before.”
How the media hurt its own credibility
Todd continued to add that the media was hurting its own credibility by misrepresenting the president’s words.
“This is where I think that my colleagues do us all harm,” Todd said. “You know, cover this legitimately. There is plenty of legitimate stuff to ding him on, if you think he deserves to be dinged on.”
“Just be careful,” he added. “Don’t be sloppy about it.”
Some media outlets corrected their reporting on Trump’s comments, but others stuck to their guns and cited his past comments to justify misrepresenting what he said. The president was asked to clarify his comments, and he reiterated clearly that he was referring to vicious MS-13 gang members.

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