Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hamas Never Misses An Opportunity to Miss An Opportunity

Media vilifies Israel for 8-month-old Palestinian killed during Gaza protests — here’s the caveat

An 8-month-old child was killed in Gaza on Monday during a protest after inhaling tear gas at one of the tent camps. Layla Ghandour’s grandmother returned home with the child when she realized she was no longer breathing according to a report by Reuters.
After word got out of the child’s death, the mainstream media and Hamas used the child’s image as a way to vilify Israeli Defense Forces.
How do we know this?
A Gaza health official told The Times of Israel that the baby had a preexisting condition and did not, in fact, die from tear gas inhalation. The doctor spoke of the child’s condition under anonymity since he’s technically unable to disclose medical information to the media.
The violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis kicked off this week amid the opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.
According to The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Defense Forces killed 60 members of the Hamas terror organization on Monday and wounded 2,200, however, mainstream media reports failed to mention those killed were linked to the terrorist organization.
“Some 40,000 Palestinians took part in violent demonstrations at 13 different locations along the fence, throwing stones, explosive devices and Molotov cocktails at the fence and IDF troops, as well as burning tires and launching burning objects such as kites with charcoal or containers of burning fuel with the intention of setting fires in Israeli fields,” the Post reported.
“The IDF accuses Hamas of using the protests as cover to carry out terrorist attacks.”
There were no definitive reports explaining why the woman brought her child to a deadly protest which Pat took issue with on Tuesday’s episode of “Pat Gray Unleashed.” The AP reported that the child’s family claims there was a mixup that caused them to arrive in the area.
To see more from Pat, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “Pat Gray Unleashed” with Pat Gray weekdays 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network. Want more of Pat? Check him out on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

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