Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Hillary Was Sick In 2016 And Appears To Getting Worse In 2018. Why Can't She Level With The American People?

Hillary’s health MELTDOWN (pics show she can’t stand on her own!)

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is hiding some serious health problems — and they’re getting worse. New photos of the twice-failed presidential candidate show her unable to walk without help from a back brace.
A viral photo of Hillary shows her leaving Chelsea Clinton’s luxury New York City apartment last week wearing a heavy winter coat and thick scarf, despite it being 80 degrees outside.

Eagle-eyed social media users quickly spotted a strange bulge that suggested Hillary is using a back brace — and the type suggests she is unable to stand under her own power for very long.
According to The Daily Mail, Hillary was also photographed Monday in a strangely-stiff, upright position during an appearance in New Zealand by Getty Images.

The newspaper shared the following picture from Getty —
The pictures are the latest in a long line of serious health concerns that have surrounded Hillary.

Just two months ago, she was hospitalized after a nasty bathroom fall — just days after tumbling down a flight of stairs while touring India.
In September 2016, Democratic Party leadership was so concerned over Hillary’s failing health they came up with a secret plan to replace her before the November election.

Remember when CNN said it was sexist to question Hillary’s health during the election? These latest photos prove those voter concerns were very real, very valid — and Hillary’s health is clearly getting worse.
Just imagine how bad it would be if she were exposed to the rigors of the presidency?
Considering Hillary’s health, losing the 2016 presidential election was probably the best thing that could have happened to her — and to America.
— The Horn editorial team

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