Wednesday, May 23, 2018

If This Takes Place, Your Second And Sixth Amendment Rights Will Be Destroyed And How Many People Along The Way. Terrible Idea!

Ron Paul OUTS Marco Rubio

 & Lindsey Graham

  • 05/23/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN
1 6 0  28
Ron Paul OUTS Marco Rubio & Lindsey Graham
Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
The next bipartisan push for more gun control is just around the corner.

Through inside sources, former congressman and liberty champion Ron Paul 
has uncovered a plot by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Lindsey Graham 
(R-SC) to unite with liberal ideologue Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to push through 
arguably the most invasive and unconstitutional gun grabbing scheme in our

The horribly misguided proposal reportedly intends to disarm law-abiding 
citizens without due process.

Under dubiously called "Red Flag" or "Risk Protection" Orders, anti-gun zealots
 could have your firearms confiscated without any of the legal rights afforded to
 American citizens.

Mere accusations would take the place of a legitimate trial. In secret court 
proceedings, where you're pitted against your accuser, activist judges could
 decide that you pose a "significant danger" to your yourself, someone else, or

Imagine watching in horror as a SWAT Team, armed to the teeth, bashes down
 your door to seize your legally obtained firearms – despite following all 
necessary background checks and procedures.

It could conceivably cost you tens of thousands in court fees and months to 
try, possibly in vain, to convince the court they made a mistake.

According to Congressman Paul and mounting irrefutable evidence, 
progressives and members of Washington's ruling class have tried to seize 
your guns for years.

Now, through harmless sounding "Red Flag" and "Risk Protection" Orders, 
they think they've discovered the necessary breakthrough.

Paul's Campaign 4 Liberty is preparing a massive grassroots mobilization to
 support pro-Second Amendment conservatives and ensure less reliable 
Republicans currently taking flak from the liberal media and reinvigorated
 gun control lobby know where their constituents stand.

The Founding Fathers didn't add any qualifiers to the Second Amendment. 
There's nothing superfluous about the Constitution. They understood that
 the right to defend your life and property shall not be infringed by the 

With the Second Amendment under unprecedented threat, Paul believes
 weak-kneed members of Congress need a lasting reminder of its importance.

We wholeheartedly agree.


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