Tuesday, May 8, 2018

If This Transfers To The November Elections, Republicans Could Be On The Cusp Of Another Watershed Moment

New poll has Trump doing better in one measure than Obama did in all 8 years

New poll has Trump doing better in one measure than Obama did in all 8 years
A new CNN poll shows that more Americans believe that the country is doing well after one year of President Trump's term, than in all of the years of former President Barack Obama's two terms. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot composite)
A new poll by CNN shows that President Trump is doing better in one measure than former President Obama did in all of his eight years in office.
Here’s CNN’s video report on their poll:
Here’s what the poll says
When Americans were asked if the country is doing well, 57 percent said that it was, which is the highest proportion to say so since 2007, including every year of Obama’s two terms.
That’s also an increase since February, when nearly half of Americans said the country was doing well (49 percent).
Some of the improvement in this rating could be from Democrats – only 25 percent of which said the country was doing well in February. That percentage has increased to a stunning 40 percent.
CNN poll results. (Image Source: Twitter video screenshot)
When if comes to the president’s approval rating, there hasn’t been much of a change, with 41 percent of Americans saying they approve of the president’s job, while 53 percent say they disapprove of his job. But on several issues, approval for the president’s policies have risen.
On the issues of the economy, foreign trade, immigration and foreign affairs, approval for Trump has risen by an average of four points.
It’s not all good news
On the other hand, the percentage of Americans who believe Trump has mishandled issues surrounding his cabinet have risen to 55 percent, while only 30 percent approve of his handling of the cabinet.
The percentage of Americans who believe he had an extramarital affair are also high after the media focus on the Stormy Daniels lawsuit – 80 percent say it’s definitely or probably true that Trump cheated on his wife before the election.

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