Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Is The Black Populace Awakening?

Black Student Takes Mic at Stanford — Disavows Leftist Lies, Then Declares ‘I’m Free’

Black Student Takes Mic at Stanford, Disavows Leftist Lies, Then Declares "I'm Free"
For decades, the left has taken black votes for granted, while backing policies that are ironically terrible for many African American communities.
Now, a tidal shift is happening, and the wave could change the face of American politics.
Many black conservatives, including passionate Turning Point USA speaker Candace Owens, have a fresh message for the black community: You are being used by Democrats, but there is a different path to freedom and an opportunity to succeed if you embrace it.
It looks like that message is having an impact. Owens just shared an inspiring moment from her visit to Stanford University, and it is a perfect example of the cultural shift that is taking place right now.
“The world is changing before our eyes,” Owens tweeted Wednesday morning.
“Tonight at Stanford, a black student stepped to the mic. He said he used to support Black Lives Matter until he researched their lies,” she continued, referring to the far-left group that has led protests and been involved in riots over the last several years.
“He shouted to a packed room ‘BUT NOW I’M FREE’. The Black Revolution is unfolding and it’s beautiful,” the conservative speaker declared.

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Candace Owens has previously engaged with liberals on college campuses and has become a rising star among conservative leaders. Her optimistic voice has caught the attention of people ranging from President Donald Trump to Kanye West, who made waves when he said he liked how Owens thinks.
“The most controversial thing I’ve ever done was decide to think with my brain instead of my skin tone,” the conservative firebrand explained about herself previously.
“I understood that racism was being used as a theme and a mechanism to control black Americans and that the black community needed new leaders to sort of see them through that complete lie,” she has also said.
“There’s an ideological civil war happening (in the black community),” Owens continued. “Black people that are focused on their past and shouting about slavery, and black people that are focused on their futures.”
The facts seem to back her up. While black voters have turned out for Democrat candidates in numbers approaching 90 percent during recent elections, those same Democrats have overseen some of the worst places for black Americans to live.
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Detroit, for example, was once a famous center for black accomplishment, with “Motor City” jobs and “Motown” music both plentiful.
Its decline into an urban nightmare can be directly linked to Democrat control.
“Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1957,” explained Investor’s Business Daily. “It is now the model of urban failure — it’s recognized more for its poverty, crime, rot and bankruptcy than the great cars that it turned out into the early 1970s. It is the poorest big city in the nation, with almost 40% of the population living below the poverty line.”
There’s a similar story in Chicago, where liberal policies have made Barack Obama’s hometown one of the murder capitals of the nation. Flint, Baltimore, St. Louis, and many other cities have also stagnated under Democrat control.
Even once-proud California, a liberal “utopia,” now has the highest poverty rate in the United States.
Meanwhile, it turns out that the supposedly oh-so-racist Donald Trump has actually been amazing for black opportunity in America.
“Unemployment in the black community dropped to a record low of 6.8 percent in December, the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking this statistic in 1972,” as we previously reported. 
Job numbers for both blacks and Hispanics have continued to get even better since then, and are now among the best they’ve ever been in history.
No wonder liberals are scrambling to silence people like Candace Owens. She represents a voice of success, independence, achievement, and refusing to constantly play the victim.
In other words, she is the antithesis of liberalism.

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