Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Laptop May Be The Link To Hillary That Takes Her Down

Hillary's Email Horror Returns 

to Haunt FBI

  • 05/22/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN
42 33 4  114
Hillary's Email Horror Returns to Haunt FBI
By Julie Vazquez from Henderson, United States [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Since losing the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton has used myriad excuses to
 explain her defeat. Perhaps none more so than the FBI's decision to reopen 
the probe into her misuse of sensitive emails after new messages were 
discovered on the laptop of confidante Huma Abedin's pervert ex-husband, 
Anthony Weiner.

Unfortunately for Hillary and the FBI, that laptop and those emails have 
returned to the proverbial spotlight.

A soon-to-be-released report from the Inspector General's office is expected 
to excoriate federal agents for their overall apathy.

Adam Shaw, of Fox News, explains:

The finding underscores how the laptop continues to play a recurring part

in the Clinton case saga, haunting everyone from the Democratic nominee

to the FBI officials who examined it.

This, as Abedin herself hits the social circuit. She was seen in recent weeks

living it up at glitzy events including a Metropolitan Museum of Art gala and

bash at the home of Vogue boss Anna Wintour. Meanwhile, she's divorcing

her husband, ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, who is serving a 21-month prison

sentence for sending lewd photos to a teenager.

It was the probe into those lewd messages that led agents to uncover the

laptop in the fall of 2016, discovering Clinton emails that Abedin had

forwarded her husband.

Then-FBI Director James Comey notified Congress in late October that

he was revisiting the probe less than two weeks before the election, having

announced in July that he would not recommend charges over Clinton’s use

of a private email server when she served as secretary of state.

Powerful FBI officials knew about those emails in early September 2016, but 
the bureau did not obtain a warrant to review them for another six weeks. 


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