Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Navarro Should Have MS-13 Members Come Live With Her And After She Is Raped Or Robbed Or Killed Or All Three, Maybe She Will Get Over Her Trump Hate

CNN Defends MS-13 Gang

Network political commentator Ana Navarro was highly offended by President Donald Trump’s “animals” comment regarding MS-13 gang members.
Navarro stated, “I’m a lot more concerned when he doers things like calls immigrants animals. When we start dehumanizing people. He says he was talking about MS-13 the White House, says he was talking about MS-13.”
“Not good enough from a president who has called countries in Central America like Haiti shit holes. Not good enough from a president talked about Haitians having AIDS. Not good enough from a president who said people in Africa live in huts and why would they come here. That’s why he doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. And not good enough when you see the level of division we are seeing out there in America.”

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