Monday, May 14, 2018

This Is Gun Control, Brazilian Style

Pink-Shirted Hero Literally Kicks Punk’s Butt for Pulling Gun on Group of Moms

Pink-Shirted Hero Literally Kicks Punk's Butt for Pulling Gun on Group of Moms
Criminals often believe that holding a gun — illegally, of course — instantly makes them a wolf among sheep. This might be true in places where liberal policies prevent citizens from defending themselves, but one thug just found out that “victims” may not be easy prey after all.
Over the weekend, an amazing video emerged that shows an armed criminal pull a gun on a group of mothers and children near a school. He may have thought that “defenseless” women on Mother’s Day weekend wouldn’t be able to resist, but he was dead wrong.
The surveillance video was released from Brazil, and shows a group of women and girls casually standing near a street corner. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the thug strikes, brandishing a revolver.
Footage shows the criminal making threats or trying to get at the crowd, but his preoccupation with carrying out a crime meant that he didn’t see something to his right: A woman in a pink shirt, carefully drawing a handgun of her own.
WARNING: Video depicts a real-world defensive shooting.
According to a translation of the Brazilian news source Globo, the woman in pink was the mother of a girl who attended the nearby school. Unfortunately for the perpetrator, she was also an off-duty military police officer.
“According to the PM (military police), the police officer saw the move and heard a woman saying it was robbery,” Globo reported in Portuguese. “At this point, the police officer moved away, pulled out the gun and fired three times at the suspect.”

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The mother’s shots hit their mark. Two bullets were fired by the suspect, but he thankfully missed both times.
In the aftermath of the shooting, the woman — who was later identified as Kátia da Silva Sastre — took cover behind a vehicle, then moved in and disarmed the thug while still keeping him at gunpoint.
Globo reported that although the criminal survived the initial encounter and was treated by an ambulance service, he later died from his injuries.
Additional details about the attack were released by Active Self Protection, a self-defense education group.\
“(The woman) was armed with a Taurus PT640 in .40S&W and the perp was armed with a .38sp revolver,” ASP said, citing a Brazilian police report. “She shot 3 times and hit 3 times, he shot twice and hit none.”
RELATED: UK Police Seized Cache of ‘Super Deadly’ Weapons
This video shows just how important concealed carry can be both in the United States and around the world. As locations like Chicago, Mexico and Brazil demonstrate, laws do not stop criminals from obtaining and using illegal firearms.
What does stop them, however, are armed and trained people who refuse to be defenseless victims. In this case it was an off-duty officer, but a prepared civilian could have had the same effect.
Self-defense is a human right. For all the talk about women’s rights and feminism, this is what true female empowerment looks like: Being able to stop a vicious, armed man bent on robbery — or worse.
This video may have been recorded thousands of miles away from the United States, but its lessons are just as important here.
What do you think? 

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