Friday, May 11, 2018

Those Who Oppose Trump Are Handed Nicknames. "Sleepin Joe" Of Indiana Learned That Last Night

Trump Slams Dem Senator, 

Rocks Crowd With 

New Nickname

  • 05/11/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: Donny Bomenabori
Trump Slams Dem Senator, Rocks Crowd With New Nickname
Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons

President Trump rocked the Elkhart, Ind. crowd as he gave his full backing to Republican nominee Mike Braun his support, and came up with another hilarious nickname for the so-called "moderate" Democrat senator.

The Indianapolis Star reports:
Trump promised last year to campaign against Donnelly “like you wouldn't believe” unless he voted for a Republican tax overhaul. He made good on that promise Thursday, trashing Donnelly just 11 miles from Donnelly’s home in Granger. "You think you have their vote," Trump said of Donnelly and other red-state Democrats in the Senate. "But they always raise their hand for the radical left of Nancy Pelosi."

Trump warned that if Donnelly and the Democrats get back into power, they will "raise your taxes, they will destroy your jobs, and they are going knock the hell out of your borders. This November Indiana will face an important choice,” he added. “You can send a really incredible swamp person back to the Senate, like Joe Donnelly, or you can send us Republicans like Mike Braun to drain the swamp.”

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The president went after Donnelly as “Sleepin’ Joe” during the rally, but the meaning wasn’t immediately clear. Best guess: It’s related to Trump’s argument that Donnelly has been an ineffective senator who has passed few bills – a claim Donnelly’s campaign disputes.

. . .

The campaign arm of Senate Republicans, which has been calling Donnelly “Mexico Joe,” gave deference to Trump in a post-rally statement that said Trump “hit the nail on the head with his new nickname” for Donnelly. But Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Joyce wasn’t singing from the same hymnal. “President Trump made it crystal clear this evening…that Do-Nothing Democrat Joe Donnelly has not represented Hoosier values,” he said.

President Trump tends to reserve his nicknames for the worst of the worst. In Sen. Donnelly's case, he's been a rubber stamp for Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and for Barack Obama before him, conning the people of Indiana into thinking he wouldn't be just another liberal vote. Mike Braun, who just clinched a tough three-way primary, has a business background like the president and is chomping at the bit to beat the swamp creature Donnelly and help the president make America great again.

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