Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Where Is The Heart Of Those On The Left?

Ivanka Called ‘Nasty, Soulless Little Troll’ for Her Pic Holding Her 2-Year-Old

Ivanka Called ‘Nasty, Soulless Little Troll’ For Her Pic Holding Her 2-year-old
Ivanka Trump posted a picture of her holding her 2-year-old on social media. What could possibly be wrong with that? Well, if you disagree with her father’s policies on immigration, everything.
First daughter Ivanka Trump posted a picture of her holding her 2-year-old on social media. What could possibly be wrong with that? Well, if you disagree with her father’s policies on immigration, everything.
See, as you’ve no doubt heard by now, in the latest not-crisis crisis that the Trump administration faces, children are being separated from the horrendously irresponsible parents who have decided to smuggle them into the United States or bring them to the border to ask for asylum.
This shouldn’t be controversial in any reasonable universe, particularly given the rise in people trying to claim asylum from Central American nations. However, even posting a picture of her child made Ivanka a “nasty, soulless little troll” for social media users.
This was the original tweet:
And here was the “nasty, souless (sic) little Troll” tweet, from one of the actresses in “Critters.”
Meanwhile, comedian Patton Oswalt — who once did a comedic routine about how Republicans were so racist and biased against Obama that they wouldn’t support him even if they were given free government robots that performed sex acts on them — also mysteriously seems to have overlooked the scores of unaccompanied minors that the Obama administration placed in detention when they tried crossing the border.
The best. Right? The BEST. Like, right? Do you get my point? Right? I suppose I shouldn’t expect subtlety or contemplation out of a guy who’s managed to make money simply by pointing out that that KFC’s Famous Bowls are for people too lazy to eat the ingredients separately, but there you go.
Hey, speaking of subtle comedians!
Chelsea Handler would later retweet the same Arizona Chronicle article that showed illegal immigrant minors being kept in detention cells during the Obama administration and passing it off as conditions under Trump’s ICE, because of course she did.
And here was CNN talking head Ana Navarro, the token “Republican” who gets dragged out during any discussion about Trump to prove that, see, they’re being fair by including a RINO who loathes the president, as well!
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And these are the ones without swears, just so you know. There were plenty of those, as well. Plenty of those.

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The great irony is that almost nobody featured here — with the exception of Navarro, who insisted she protested this kind of thing just as vigorously during the Obama administration, really! — cared about this kind of thing during the years between 2009 and 2016. Yet, now everyone is up in arms because it’s Trump and nobody can enjoy their children if children being brought to this country illegally aren’t being waived in via express visa lanes and their families given luxury apartments for their trouble.
For all of the trolls, Ivanka had a rejoinder:
Straight outta ancient Rome. Stoic word.

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