Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Will This Be A Sweet Dream Or A Nightmare?

Trump insider: Obama’s top pals to be locked up (soon!)

A large number of former President Barack Obama’s top insiders are heading to jail in the next few months — including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
That’s according to a top Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo, who revealed explosive insider knowledge on Fox News’ Laura Ingraham’s show Monday.

Caputo claims to have information that will lead to a series of high profile “Deep State” arrests — and that could even include Obama himself.
Over the weekend, Trump stunned the world by revealing the FBI had planted a spy in his campaign.
According to his former aide, the president’s accusation only touches the surface of the explosive charges that are about to be revealed. Caputo claims multiple individuals loyal to Obama’s administration attempted to infiltrate the Trump campaign as secret paid “informants” during the 2016 presidential election.
“Let me tell you something that I know for a fact: This informant, this person that they tried to plant into the campaign — and even into the administration, if you believe Axios — he’s not the only person who came at the campaign,” Caputo told Ingraham. “And the FBI is not the only Obama agency who came at the campaign. I know because they came at me.”

The truth is going to come out — and soon.
“I’m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal this to the public,” Caputo added, and claimed that what he knew would send top Obama officials to prison.
“This is just the beginning … When we finally find out the truth about this, Director Clapper and the rest of them will be wearing some orange suits.”
We can only hope that time will come soon.
— The Horn editorial team
URGENT EDITORS NOTE: The Horn News has frequently covered the Obama administration’s spying of the Trump campaign since early 2017.
We invite readers to read our past articles to become informed on how truly deep this story goes — and how the mainstream media has totally refused to cover the growing scandal.
This shocking true story is something every American voter must read. CNN, MSNBC, and the liberal media won’t touch it. But we will.
Take a look at our extensive coverage below. Then, we invite you to share this article using social media buttons on the top of the page to help spread the word.
You can help by spreading the word.
— Stephen Dietrich, Associate Publisher of The Horn News

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