Monday, June 18, 2018

Comey's Book Proceeds Will Probably Finance His Defense

Comey Under Investigation

  • 06/18/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
8 6 0  24
Comey Under Investigation

In a bombshell reveal on Monday the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz,
confirmed that he is, in fact, investigating James Comey. The IG is looking
 into how he handled classified memos relating to his interactions with President Trump.

According to The Daily Caller:
Former FBI director James Comey is under investigation for mishandling classified information, DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz revealed Monday.

He is specifically under investigation for his handling of memos he wrote about interactions with President Trump while FBI director.

“Question number one, Mr. Horowitz, are you investigating the handling of his memo and does that include the classification issues, and should Mr. Comey expect a report when it’s complete?” Grassley asked.

“We received a referral on that from the FBI. We are handling that referral and we will issue a report when the matter is complete, consistent with the law and rules that are–a report that’s consistent and takes those into account,” Horowitz responded.
It is alleged that Comey used a private server for classified info. Similar to the crimes he was investigating Hillary Clinton for.


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