Saturday, June 30, 2018

Gillibrand Shows She Is A Deceiving Lightweight!

WATCH: Democrat Senator Makes False Claim About Neil Gorsuch, Gets Embarrassed

Screenshot: CNN Video
New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand embarrassed herself on national television on Thursday night after she falsely stated that no Democratic senators voted to confirm President Donald Trump's first Supreme Court justice nominee, Neil Gorsuch.
Appearing in CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" with host Chris Cuomo, Gillibrand falsely stated multiple times that Gorsuch did not receive any Democratic votes and was confirmed with only Republican votes.
After Gillibrand said, "He didn’t get a vote from one Democrat," Cuomo pushed backed, asking, "Are you right that he didn’t get one vote? Didn’t he get three?"
Gillibrand doubled down and continued to repeat her belief that Gorsuch did not receive any votes from Democrats, going as far as to say: "[The Democrats] stood strong and they passed it with Republican votes."
After Cuomo again hinted to her that she was wrong, it appeared as though someone caught Gillibrand's attention off camera and signaled to her that she was wrong.
"You might be right, Chris, but I believe this Democratic caucus will stand together," Gillibrand said after realizing that she was wrong.
The three Democratic senators who voted to confirm Gorsuch were Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Manchin (D-WV).

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