Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Has Kathy Griffin Really Gone Unhinged?

Kathy Griffin Launches Vile Attack on Ivanka over Kate Spade’s Suicide

It’s getting clearer just who the crazy one here really is.
Washed-up “entertainer” Kathy Griffin is best known to the American public for the incredibly distasteful picture she posted of herself last year holding a mock severed headrepresenting President Donald Trump
She has also insinuated the president’s sons are rapists, and supported Canadian comedian Samantha Bee’s vile insult of Ivanka Trump while chatting with the harpies on ABC’s “The View.”
But Griffin’s own attack on Ivanka this week – in response to the first daughter’s thoughtful Twitter post on the suicide of fashion designer Kate Spade — was beyond the bounds of rational behavior. Even for a nut job like Griffin, it was way too far.
Spade was found dead Tuesday morning in her Manhattan apartment, according to CNN. A suicide note was found at the scene, but its contents were not made public.
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Any suicide is tragic, of course, but Spade’s was particularly noteworthy. Starting out as a journalist in the fashion world, she had made an international name for herself by founding a hugely popular fashion line that centered on women’s handbags but included a range of fashion products, according to
As word of the death spread, Ivanka Trump – who has built her own brand of success in the fashion world — took to Twitter to express her sadness, and urge any readers who might be in danger of harming themselves to seek help.
“Kate Spade’s tragic passing is a painful reminder that we never truly know another’s pain or the burden they carry,” she wrote. “If you are struggling with depression and contemplating suicide, please, please seek help.”
That’s about as unobjectionable a tweet as has even been posted. But for a borderline-lunatic like Griffin, it was a red flag to charge.
Using the word “feckless” no doubt to bring to mind Bee’s vicious words last week, Griffin slammed Ivanka for … apparently just for being Ivanka.
“You’re all talk feckless, you’re all talk,” Griffin wrote.
In another tweet she expanded on that: “If someone is feckless does that mean they have no feck? So when it comes to Ivanka can I say she’s all talk and no feck?”

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Now, a cynic might suggest Griffin was simply using the untimely death of a successful woman to grow her own social media following. (The same kind of cynic might suspect Griffin wore an outfit of Spade designs Tuesday night while accepting an award in Los Angeles just to get her name mentioned in stories that would show up under “Kate Spade” internet searches.)
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But other than using a tragic death as an opportunity to exercise some mean-girl bullying muscles, and opportunistically try to boost her own sagging career, it was difficult to understand what Griffin might have been talking about.
The U.K. Daily Mail speculated that she was referring to President Donald Trump’s 2019 budget proposal, which would “slash funding for the National Institute of Mental Health by 30 percent.”
Griffin is clearly not someone playing with a full deck, so it’s understandable that she would be sensitive to mental health issues. But even with that, the idea of attacking Ivanka doesn’t make sense.
Presidents don’t pass budgets, Congress does. If Griffin has a problem with federal spending when it comes to mental health, she can take it up with her local representative (assuming she knows who that is) or she can take it up with Congress as a whole.
In any case, lashing out at Ivanka Trump for apparently heartfelt advice to those suffering from depression is simply unhinged.
Maybe Griffin’s the one who should be seeking help. Before it’s too late.

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