Wednesday, June 20, 2018

If This Had Been Done To Obama, Heads Would Have Rolled!

Disgusting: Bratty Intern Attacks Trump in Middle of Capitol Building

Disgusting: Bratty Intern Attacks Trump in Middle of Capitol Building
President Donald Trump has been on the receiving end of vitriolic, obscene and often explicit attacks from leftists who oppose him from the day he announced his candidacy for president.
Tuesday was no different when Trump was walking with his aides through the U.S. Capitol building for a meeting with Republican lawmakers about immigration legislation.
This time, however, the profane remark directed at the president didn’t come from a random leftist protester.
No, the woman who yelled “F*** you” at the president of the United States is a congressional intern — apparently an arrogant and disrespectful one at that.
In a video clip recorded by NBC’s Frank Thorp V, the woman can be heard clearly yelling, “Mr. President, f*** you” from the other side of the rotunda.
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See below (Warning: Explicit language.):
Following the initial tweet, Thorp confirmed that it was, in fact, a congressional intern who yelled at the president.
According to Fox News’ Chad Pergram, the woman’s comment got the attention of Capitol Police and the Secret Service.
“While the president was meeting with lawmakers, an alert was broadcast on the radios of U.S. Capitol police to be on the lookout for a woman with dirty blonde hair, wearing an intern badge and blue-checkered pants,” The Washington Times reported.

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As unacceptable and repugnant as this intern’s behavior is, we shouldn’t be surprised.
After all, this woman’s “role models” in Congress have shown nothing but utter disrespect for the president from day one. Democrat leadership has done everything and anything in its power to paint Trump as an illegitimate president unworthy of an ounce of respect.
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Who can be surprised when other Democrats follow suit?

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