Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Is This What American Is Becoming?

'Republicans Are Forbidden': LA Plastered With Nazi-Style Democratic Party Posters

Unsavory Agents
Sabo and his Unsavory Agents have ratcheted up their politically-charged street art in response to the increasingly extreme action by the #resistance against Republicans, particularly women in lead roles in the Trump administration.
Sabo's latest installation: Nazi-style Democratic Party posters declaring in German and English that "Republicans are forbidden" and urging fellow Democrats to "Resist yourself! Do not buy Republican!"
In an emailed statement to the Daily Wire on Wednesday, Sabo said the project was inspired by the targeting of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, which "sent a chill" through him. "I had no plan to do anything on this subject or at least not until Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant where her and some family sat down for dinner," the artist told the Daily Wire. "It seems the Democrat owners don't welcome the patronage of Republicans."
The incident struck home for him, said Sabo, as he was recently targeted by businesses for his political views. "This actually sent a chill through me because just recently while visiting Austin Texas me and my party were asked to leave no less than three bars because one of us dared wear a MAGA hat," he said.
"We were told that our kind weren't welcomed there. What the hell 'kind' is that I wondered. Patriots, Republicans, Americans? It really freaked me out," he said. One of the saloon's, he said, "posted an apology on their Facebook page for allowing our party host an event in their bar. Leftists forced them to do that after they made numerous calls to complain."

"I created these signs to remind people that this has happened before and we should never forget," he said.
In addition to Sanders being told to leave the Red Hen restaurant, Homeland Security Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen has been personally targeted for protest, as has White House chief advisor Stephen Miller and Trump-supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who was allegedly spit on by activists.
Below are images provided by Unsavory Agents of their "modern day Nazis" project (the posters are available for download at the group's website):

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