Monday, June 25, 2018

Just Because Someone Can Sing Does Not Make Them Smart!

Tomi Lahren Smokes Jennifer Lopez for Reportedly Posting ISIS Pic as Border Photo

Tomi Lahren Smokes Jennifer Lopez for Reportedly Posting ISIS Pic as Border Photo
How many debunked photos about immigration have we seen over the past month or so? I mean, I thought the Obama-era pictures of minors in detention were bad enough and news of their provenance had spread widely enough, but I still get Twitter trolls using the “children in cages” line on me when it comes to Trump’s immigration policy.
However, in the ultimate “hold my beer” moment (or, well, “hold my camera”), singer and actress Jennifer Lopez managed to one-up all of those tweets. Not only did she manage to post a “children in cages” photo that wasn’t from the Trump administration, it wasn’t even from America.
As of right now, Lopez has the infamous photo of a Honduran girl “separated” from her parents as part of a rant on her Instagram account.
“Reading the news about the separation of children from their families, I can’t help but think about my own children,” Lopez wrote. “I cannot fathom a world where they would be ripped from my arms, taken to a place no better than a prison far from home. I feel we will never forget this moment in time.”
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However, that wasn’t the photo Lopez initially used to illustrate her rant, as conservative pundit Tomi Lahren pointed out. Her initial picture was of a crying child clinging to a fence — but the picture wasn’t from the Trump administration. It wasn’t from the U.S.-Mexican border. It was from the takeover of Mosul, Iraq, by the Islamic State group in 2014.
And Lahren let Lopez have it.
Twitter users were both exasperated by and contemptuous of Lopez’s ignorance.
Of course, the photo Lopez replaced it with wasn’t a whole lot better. It was featured by Time on its latest cover, which photoshopped a picture of a crying little girl to look as if she was confronting President Trump, complete with the headline, “Welcome to America.”
Only problem? The implicit message of the cover — that the girl had been separated from her parents — simply wasn’t true.
“The Honduran toddler pictured sobbing in a pink jacket before U.S. President Donald Trump on an upcoming cover of Time magazine was not separated from her mother at the U.S. border, according to a man who says he is the girl’s father,” Reuters reported last week. “(Denis) Valera said the little girl and her mother, Sandra Sanchez, have been detained together in the Texas border town of McAllen, where Sanchez has applied for asylum, and they were not separated after being detained near the border.”
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“You can imagine how I felt when I saw that photo of my daughter. It broke my heart,” Hernandez said. “It’s difficult as a father to see that, but I know now that they are not in danger. They are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border.”

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That message — especially the last part — was one that liberals don’t like to hear. So many of them simply decided not to hear it, including Jennifer Lopez
While the original photo from Mosul may be gone, the thoroughly debunked one of the young Honduran girl “separated” from her mother was still up, though, because I guess there’s only so many times JLo can make JCorrections.
At least you have to give it to her — she didn’t just pick the usual picture of “children in cages” from Obama-era illegal immigrant detention. Oh, no. She went all the way to Iraq.
Kudos to you, Jennifer Lopez. You’ve managed to lower standards even further than we thought possible.
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