Thursday, June 7, 2018

Liberals Hate It When You Use Their Ideas Against Them

If liberals win, Sean Hannity will go to jail for this…

Did Fox News star Sean Hannity finally go too far? What the conservative news giant said on his Wednesday “Hannity” show has critics howling in anger — and demanding he be fired.
Unfortunately for these liberal critics, they’re demanding Hannity be jailed for describing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s exact actions.

If they think Hannity needs to be locked up, then, what must they think about Hillary?
In an opening monologue on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s so-called “witch hunt” into President Donald Trump, Hannity sarcastically suggested that the Trump administration should follow  Hillary’s example.
Hannity said that, if he advised them to follow Hillary’s lead, they’d use acid and a hammer on their phones before turning them over to Mueller.
“They are demanding that witnesses turn in their phones so that team Mueller … so they get to review all of their electronic communication. He wants the phones turned over. Even texts on what are called encrypted apps, like Whatsapp or Signal,” Hannity said.

“Maybe Muellers witnesses… I don’t know. If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead? Delete all your emails, and then acid wash the emails and harddrives on your phones. Then take your phones and bash them with a hammer into itsy, bitsy pieces. Use BleachBit. Remove the sim cards. And then take the pieces and hand it over to Robert Mueller and say, ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton! This is equal justice under the law!'” Hannity quipped.
In response, liberals went insane.
Across social media — without a hint of irony — leftist demanded Hannity’s arrest and said his joke was an obstruction of justice and a felony. They demanded Fox News fire Hannity immediately.
These same leftwing pundits all endorsed Hillary Clinton… who’s very actions Hannity was describing.

Here’s some of the unhinged reactions to Hannity’s monologue —

So, where was this outrage when Hillary did the exactly what Hannity sarcastically suggested Trump’s administration do?

There wasn’t a peep from the mainstream media!
Below, you can watch the controversial Hannity segment for yourself.
Warning: This footage might “trigger” you liberal friends.

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