Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Maybe He Should Avoid Politics, Predicting The Future And Stay With Being Funny!

Maher Would Prefer A Recession Over Trump

HBO’s Bill Maher spoke about the issue caused by his previous comments that insisted a recession would be worth it if it undermined Trump’s popularity. He stated his critics should “take a course in perspective.” Adding, “A recession is a survivable event, what Trump is doing to this country is not.”
Maher stated, “[A]nyone who went apeshit in the last two weeks because I said going through a recession would be worth it if it undermined Trump’s popularity has to enroll in college and take a course in perspective. A recession is a survivable event, what Trump is doing to this country is not. Democracy is about to go the way of the dinosaurs because we’ve been taken over by a dodo bird.”
“Another recession is coming, not because I’m rooting for it, because someone passed a giant tax giveaway to the rich that added trillions to the debt and started a trade war for no reason and deliberately sabotaged the Affordable Care Act and rolled back the rules for banks so they can once again gamble with our money. Those are actual policies, from men with real power, as opposed to me, who just made a wish.”

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