Monday, June 11, 2018

Obama' Numbers Not As Good As Trump's

Polls show Trump’s approval growing, better than Obama’s during same period in Obama’s presidency

Polls show Trump’s approval growing, better than Obama’s during same period in Obama’s presidency
President Donald Trump's approval ratings are better than Obama's during the same period of Obama's first term. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

While the mainstream media continues to depict President Donald Trump as an authoritarian leader hungry for power and not worthy of the presidency, polling reveals Trump’s approval rating is better than his predecessor’s was during the same period in his first term.
As Howard Kurtz at Fox News noted, it’s “hardly the statistic you’d expect from someone on the verge of political oblivion.”

What are the details?

According to the latest Fox News poll, 45 percent of approve of Trump’s performance, while just 51 percent disapprove. In April, Trump received 44 percent approval. Meanwhile, Rasmussen, which tracks Trump’s daily approval, found Trump’s approval between 47-49 percent last week.
No matter how you slice it, the numbers show more Americans approve of Trump’s job performance than they did former President Barack Obama’s during the same time period in Obama’s first term.
Rasmussen numbers show that Obama’s approval bottomed out at 41 percent in June 2010.
Even Trump’s disapproval numbers are better than Obama’s during the same time. According to Rasmussen, Obama’s disapproval numbers averaged 54-57 percent in June 2010. Obama’s approval numbers remained relatively low, and his disapproval numbers relatively high, for several years.

Why is Trump’s approval growing?

As Kurtz noted, for one very good reason: the American economy is booming.
May’s jobs report showed the unemployment rate is at a near record low of 3.8 percent, while the rate among African-Americans hasn’t been seen for years. Wage growth is booming, the stock market is skyrocketing and consumer confidence is at a 17-year high.

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