Friday, June 1, 2018

Should Anyone Be Surprised?

Chilling #MeToo Scandal

 ROCKS Planned Parenthood

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Chilling #MeToo Scandal ROCKS Planned Parenthood
By ProgressOhio (Flickr: June 2009: Protect Women's Health!) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Planned Parenthood is very thankful for Samantha Bee and Roseanne this week. The controversies surrounding both women have managed to overshadow, even among conservative pundits and publications, the news that the abortion giant has been aiding and abetting child rapists and sexual abusers for decades.

In a damning report published by Live Action, citing eye witness accounts, court cases, video footage, and the testimony of victims, it was revealed that the tax-funded abortion corporation has been engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up sex crimes. The specific cases mentioned in the report are downright chilling.

A woman named Denise Fairbanks says she was raped and impregnated by her father at the age of 13. He took her to Planned Parenthood and forced her to get an abortion. She told the clinic staff that she was being abused, but they refused to alert the authorities. Instead, they simply performed the abortion and sent her home with her father, who continued to rape her for another year and a half.

In another case, a man named George Savannah raped and impregnated his daughter three times. Each time, he brought her to Planned Parenthood so that the evidence of his crime could be destroyed. The fact that a man kept returning to the clinic year after year to get abortions for his young daughter apparently never raised any red flags. None of the incidents were reported, so the abuse continued.


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