Friday, June 1, 2018

Supposed Peace Loving Liberals Seem To Always Resort To Violence

Liberal Snowflake Convicted

 in Cold-Blooded Attack

  • 06/01/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN
17 19 2  54
Liberal Snowflake Convicted in Cold-Blooded Attack
By Deevrod (Own work) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Another liberal activist has been arrested for yet another physical attack on
 a conservative, as the progressive movement grows more unstable and violent.

Patricia Hill, an assistant sociology professor at the University of Nebraska,
was convicted in a Virginia court for spraying fake blood on the home of a
 National Rifle Association lobbyist after stalking him and his family for months.

Hill sprayed fake blood on the Alexandria, Virginia home of NRA Institute for
Legislative Action Executive Director Chris Cox in two separate attacks, one
 in January 2018 and one in October 2017.

According to fellow UNL professor Amanda Gailey, who joined Hill in stalking
 Cox; home, Hill targeted Cox, his wife, and his children because “the Cox
 family is getting enough social pressure,” and “people need to stop treating
 these predatory, sick people like they’re just a neighbor.” Hill hoped the
 criminal act would inspire copycat attacks on Cox.

She was convicted of misdemeanor vandalism for the January attack, ordered
 to pay a $500 and further ordered to stay at least 500 feet away from Cox or
 his family. She was specifically ordered to not stalk Cox’s wife. After the verdict
 was handed down, she was served a warrant for the October assault.

Hill was arrested when security personnel matched her face, captured on
security cameras when she picketed Cox’s home in April 2018, to the images
 of a woman who vandalized the home in October 2017 and January 2018.

Hill was involved in a similar incident on the Nebraska campus when she stalked
and harassed students participating in an event for the conservative group
Turning Point USA. Hill and two other professors tried to shut down a campus
sign-up event by screaming obscenities at the students while shooting middle
fingers at them.

When the taunting and cursing caused a female student to begin crying, Hill
and her fellow protesters began mocking her.

Anti-gun lobbyists, despite stating they oppose violence, are supporting Hill’s
history of stalking and vandalism.

“We think this is the NRA using the criminal justice system to rain terror on
 regular people,” said Melody Vaccaro, vice president of Nebraskans Against
Gun Violence, arguing that stalking a wife and children and vandalizing their
home are civil rights.

The conviction comes nearly one year after an avowed anti-gun activist
 showed up, again in Alexandria, Virginia, and opened fire on a group of
 Republican congressman practicing for a charity baseball game. One
 Republican member of Congress, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise,
 nearly died in the mass assassination attempt.


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