Saturday, June 30, 2018

That's One Way To Empty The Jails!

Iraqi PM orders all convicted terrorists executed

June 29, 2018
Iraqi PM orders all convicted terrorists executedImage via Joseph Sohm /
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is drawing a line in the sand with terrorists.
PM al-Abadi has ordered all convicted terrorists against Iraq will be executed.

Tipping Point

Virtually from his first day in office, President Trump has been demanding leadership in Middle Eastern countries need to step up if they expect the United States to continue to help them.
While response has been tepid at best, something happened over the last few days to change that.
Several days ago, the bodies of eight ISIS captives were found dead by the side of the road just outside of Baghdad.
Afterwards, the PM vowed to get revenge in the most dramatic of fashion.
PM al-Abadi stated, “Our security and military forces will take forceful revenge against these terrorist cells.”“We promise that we will kill or arrest those who committed this crime,” he added.
In addition to seeking out those that actually committed this atrocity, he has also ordered the death of terrorists currently in custody.
His office has “ordered the immediate execution of terrorists condemned to death whose sentences have passed the decisive stage.”

Dead Men (and Women) Walking

According to reports, there are roughly 300 prisoners on death row in Iraq.
Included in those are at least 100 women.
The bulk of the women on death row are believed to be from the Soviet Republic.
The Iraqis did not provide any information regarding the men in custody.

Do You Support the Iraqi PM Putting These Terrorists to Death?

However, it has been reported that one man is from Russia and another is from Belgium.
While Iran has claimed victory of ISIS, its military continues to conduct operations along the Syrian border.

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