Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Threat To Israel Is Very Real!!

Israeli Embassy Responds With Humor to Iran’s Threat to Eradicate Entire Country

Israeli Embassy Responds With Humor to Iran's Threat to Eradicate Entire Country
It has now been about a month since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the faulty Iran nuclear deal entered into with the dangerous Islamic Republic by the prior administration of former President Barack Obama.
Since that consequential event, the leaders of Iran have issued bellicose and hostile threats against not only the U.S., but also our nation’s closest ally in the Middle East, the nation of Israel.
According to Townhall, the top leader of Iran just issued yet another existential threat against the small Jewish nation of roughly 9 million individuals.
“Our stance against Israel is the same stance we have always taken,” the Ayatollah Khamenei tweeted Sunday. “#Israel is a malignant cancerous tumor in the West Asian region that has to be removed and eradicated: it is possible and it will happen.”
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Nothing like calling a neighboring country a “malignant cancerous tumor” that must be “removed and eradicated” to show the world that one’s own nation has nothing but peaceful intentions, as had been routinely promised during the negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal.
Despite the rather obvious threat of complete annihilation lodged against the nation of Israel by their bitter rivals in Iran, the Israeli Embassy in America responded to the threat with a humorous GIF from the movie “Mean Girls.”
“Why are you so obsessed with me?” asked the character played by Rachel McAdams in the meme shared by the Israelis.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also responded to the blatant threat against Israel’s very existence from the ayatollah, though his reply was decidedly less humorous, considering the incredibly serious nature of the threat posed.
“Just yesterday, Iran’s leader said again that Israel is a cancer that has to be and will be eradicated. It’s amazing that in the 21st century, somebody talks about destroying Israel. It means destroying another six million-plus Jews. This is what we face,” Netanyahu tweeted Monday.
On Tuesday, Netanyahu also tweeted, “The day before yesterday Ayatollah Khamenei, the ruler of Iran, declared his intention to destroy the State of Israel. Yesterday he explained how he would do this — with the unrestricted enrichment of uranium in order to produce an arsenal of nuclear bombs.”
Netanyahu followed that with a bluntly defiant, fiercely determined and somewhat ominous tweet which simply read, “We are not surprised. We will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.”
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This is what the Israeli people live with on a daily basis — existential threats of complete and utter annihilation coming from an obsessed nation that has repeatedly sworn it won’t rest until the nation of Israel is quite literally wiped off the map.

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