Friday, June 1, 2018

The Trump Train Speeds Up!

MAGA: Unemployment Rate Breaks 

Another Record

  • 06/01/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
MAGA: Unemployment Rate Breaks Another Record

When President Trump took office he promised more jobs for America. Well,
 promise kept!

New economic numbers released show the unemployment rate plummeting, 
hitting an 18-year historic low.

According to the Wall Street Journal:
WASHINGTON—The unemployment rate fell to an 18-year low in May and

employers steadily added jobs, signs of enduring strength for the labor market.

U.S. nonfarm payrolls rose a seasonally adjusted 223,000 in May, the Labor

Department said Friday. The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8%,

matching April 2000 as the lowest reading since 1969.

Wages in May improved modestly, growing 2.7% from a year earlier.

Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had expected 190,000

new jobs and a 3.9% unemployment rate.
The economy is growing as President Trump places a new round of tariffs 
on our trading partners. If this move will affect the unemployment rate moving
 forward is yet to be seen.

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