Wednesday, June 20, 2018

This Is A True Child Separation Story!

Root: 14-Year-Old ‘Separated’ from Parents Forever by Hit & Run Illegal

Root: 14-Year-Old ‘Separated’ from Parents Forever by Hit & Run Illegal
It’s become clear that the media-selected issue of the day is going to be children who are separated from their parents because they were apprehended along with their parents as they tried to illegally enter the country.
It’s seldom mentioned that these children were taken away from individuals who almost certainly committed a crime, or that we could easily put a stop to this by enacting actual border security strategies.
As far as the media is concerned, illegal immigration isn’t really a crime, even if you bring your child along with you to face the dangers of inhospitable terrain and more inhospitable cartel-affiliated human traffickers. Nobody bothers to mention that maybe — just maybe — this doesn’t exactly make you the greatest parent in the world.
Another thing they’re not going to be talking about is how parents in Michigan have been permanently “separated” from their son, all thanks to a hit-and-run driver who’s in this country illegally. USA Radio Networks’ Wayne Allyn Root noticed it, though.
“This AMERICAN boy just got ‘separated’ from his parents forever by illegal alien who speaks only Spanish in our country,” Root tweeted. “Do any liberals care? Of course not.”
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According to the Detroit News, 21-year-old Miguel A. Ibarra Cerda was arraigned Thursday in the hit-and-run death of 14-year-old Justin Lee in Wixom, Michigan.
“Police said Justin, a freshman at Walled Lake Western High School, was riding a friend’s bike on Potter Road near Flamingo Street on Monday night when witnesses said he was struck by a blue Honda Odyssey minivan that immediately sped away,” the newspaper reported.
“The minivan had been driven in excess of speed limits and was on the wrong side of the road when the crash occurred, knocking Lee into a ditch … The teen later was pronounced dead at an area hospital.”

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Police were led to the suspect through video that showed him leaving the area in a vehicle driven by another man, according to the News. The man contacted police.
“He (Cerda) had called the man and said he had been involved in a crash. He didn’t tell him anything more,” Wixom Police Chief Ronald Moore said.
“The man didn’t commit any crimes and was stunned to hear of the death.”
Cerda, a Mexican national who worked at a local Burrito King restaurant, was charged with reckless driving causing death and leaving the scene of an accident, which could result in 15 years behind bars. He pleaded not guilty to the charges. Bail was set at $350,000.
Breitbart reported that Cerda was in the country illegally and had been trying to flee back to Mexico at the time of his arrest.
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“We are so grateful to police for their quick work on this and making an arrest,” Pattie Warner-Lee, the victim’s mother, told reporters outside the courtroom, according to the Detroit News.
“I had just made him something to eat after school and he was returning a friend’s bike to him when this happened a couple blocks from our house.
“I remember him kissing me on the head before leaving the house and telling me he loved me,” she added. “He was a very kind person. The kind who is so funny he could pick you up when you were at your lowest.
“One younger boy came by the house crying after hearing of Justin’s death,” she said. “He told me how Justin had stood up for him when he was bullied on the school bus. He called my son his hero.
“His dreams were to go on to University of Michigan after high school to play football and study forensic science,” Warner-Lee added. “I believe he would have done both.”
Now, he won’t be doing any of that, having been permanently “separated” from his parents.
Unlike the parents whose children are temporarily being held because they illegally crossed into the United States with their kids, however, there’s not a lot of media outrage over the death of Justin Lee.
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