Thursday, July 5, 2018

Another Chink In The Democratic Wall. The Blue Wave Is Collapsing!

Dem Disaster: Trump’s Hispanic Approval Jumps 10 Points Despite Media Onslaught

Dem Disaster: Trump’s Hispanic Approval Jumps 10 Points Despite Media Onslaught
Over the past month or so, Democratic politicians, liberal media and the Hollywood left have hit President Donald Trump with everything they have.
They’ve incessantly pounded the president on the separation of families at the border, even after he signed an executive order to keep illegal immigrant parents and children together as much as possible.
The Democrats’ constant drumbeat has been that Trump is a racist monster who rips Hispanic babies from their mothers’ arms and tosses them in cages like stray dogs.
They’ve compared him to Adolf Hitler and labeled the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency as a terrorist organization that must be abolished.
Well, Hispanic Americans aren’t buying what they’re selling.
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A new Harvard-Harris poll reveals that despite the unrelenting attacks, support for Trump among Hispanics actually increased by 10 percent in June.
In fact, they helped to push the president’s overall approval rating up 2 points to 47 percent, only 2 points away from his highest rating ever in the poll, 49 percent last year.
More bad news for Democrats: Thirty-eight percent of Hispanics said they approve of how Trump is handling the immigration issue.
The online poll surveyed 1,448 registered voters June 24-25 and reflects a nationally representative sample with weighted results.

Do you approve of President Trump’s policy on illegal immigration?

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Tucker Carlson discussed the poll on his Fox News show Tuesday night.
“Could it be that Hispanic Americans are pretty much like every other American, normal people who love their country and know that illegal immigration hurts all of us?” Carlson said. “It looks that way.
“That’s bad news for Democrats, who are betting that a campaign of hysteria and race-baiting would move voters to the polls on their behalf in November. It hasn’t worked.”
Hispanic pollster Lili Valletta from Culturintel told Carlson her data show that jobs and the economy are the No. 1 issue for Hispanics, while immigration ranks only at No. 5.
RELATED: Harvard Poll: Majority of Blacks, Hispanics Side With Trump on Immigration Law
“We can continue to hit the immigration pinata, as I like to call it, as an issue,” Valletta said, “but it’s not the one that is really driving the priority of Hispanic Americans who are business owners, are working hard for the American dream and ultimately moved by jobs and the economy.”

Dem Disaster: Trump’s Hispanic Approval Jumps 10 Points Despite Media Onslaught

Dem Disaster: Trump’s Hispanic Approval Jumps 10 Points Despite Media Onslaught
Over the past month or so, Democratic politicians, liberal media and the Hollywood left have hit President Donald Trump with everything they have.
They’ve incessantly pounded the president on the separation of families at the border, even after he signed an executive order to keep illegal immigrant parents and children together as much as possible.
The Democrats’ constant drumbeat has been that Trump is a racist monster who rips Hispanic babies from their mothers’ arms and tosses them in cages like stray dogs.
They’ve compared him to Adolf Hitler and labeled the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency as a terrorist organization that must be abolished.
Well, Hispanic Americans aren’t buying what they’re selling.
TRENDING: James Woods Nails LA City Councilman Arrested at ICE Protest the Way Only Woods Can
A new Harvard-Harris poll reveals that despite the unrelenting attacks, support for Trump among Hispanics actually increased by 10 percent in June.
In fact, they helped to push the president’s overall approval rating up 2 points to 47 percent, only 2 points away from his highest rating ever in the poll, 49 percent last year.
More bad news for Democrats: Thirty-eight percent of Hispanics said they approve of how Trump is handling the immigration issue.
The online poll surveyed 1,448 registered voters June 24-25 and reflects a nationally representative sample with weighted results.

Do you approve of President Trump’s policy on illegal immigration?

Completing this poll entitles you to Conservative Tribune news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Tucker Carlson discussed the poll on his Fox News show Tuesday night.
“Could it be that Hispanic Americans are pretty much like every other American, normal people who love their country and know that illegal immigration hurts all of us?” Carlson said. “It looks that way.
“That’s bad news for Democrats, who are betting that a campaign of hysteria and race-baiting would move voters to the polls on their behalf in November. It hasn’t worked.”
Hispanic pollster Lili Valletta from Culturintel told Carlson her data show that jobs and the economy are the No. 1 issue for Hispanics, while immigration ranks only at No. 5.
RELATED: Harvard Poll: Majority of Blacks, Hispanics Side With Trump on Immigration Law
“We can continue to hit the immigration pinata, as I like to call it, as an issue,” Valletta said, “but it’s not the one that is really driving the priority of Hispanic Americans who are business owners, are working hard for the American dream and ultimately moved by jobs and the economy.”
She noted that more than 60 percent of Hispanic Americans were born in the United States.
“That is a fact that many people just overlook,” Valletta said. “We want to work hard and do things the right way.”
The Democratic Party isn’t known for self-reflection, but it might want to re-examine some of its demeaning assumptions about Hispanic voters.
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources. When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.noted that more than 60 percent of Hispanic Americans were born in the United States.
“That is a fact that many people just overlook,” Valletta said. “We want to work hard and do things the right way.”
The Democratic Party isn’t known for self-reflection, but it might want to re-examine some of its demeaning assumptions about Hispanic voters.
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources. When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.

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