Saturday, July 7, 2018

Daivd Hogg's Star Is Quickly Dying!

David Hogg Lambasted After Posting Ignorant Tweet

After the Parkland shooting, David Hogg became a political figure mostly because he was for gun control and it was unseemly to harshly criticize someone who survived a mass shooting, no matter how uninformed their opinions might be.
The problem is that uncritical gaze doesn’t work when Hogg opines on other issues — something that the soi-disant activist is quickly finding out as America and the media both tire of him.
The latest instance of this came when Hogg decided to let everyone know what he thought about lobbying concerns and political action committees — you know, like the gun control ones that have financed Hogg’s rise to fame.

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In a tweet from earlier this week, Hogg wondered “why is it culturally acceptable for any elected official to take money from special interests? In America, we call it campaign donations the rest of the world calls it what it is, a bribe.”
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As Chicks on the Right documented, the Twitter thread generated plenty of funny responses, starting with this brilliant exchange.
Logic 1, Steve Anderson/David Hogg 0.
Of course, there were plenty of people pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of what Hogg was saying:
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Of course, the most hilarious part of this whole thing is the fact that Hogg’s anti-gun jihad — including the “March for Our Lives” — was financed by truck convoys of special interest money, especially from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, which gives wantonly to Democrat candidates. If it weren’t for astroturfing money, there wouldn’t be a single person outside of David Hogg’s Facebook friends list who would still remember his name.
This fact conveniently escapes Hogg, as it does most liberals. Of course, this is their right — the First Amendment guarantees them the right to spend their money as they so please, at least as long as it’s not a straight-up bribe. That’s in the Bill of Rights. I’m just making that clear to Hogg since he doesn’t seem terribly familiar with the Second Amendment, so I’m assuming he’s not very acquainted with the rest of them, either.
The thing is that the only reason Hogg was given access to the national debate was the fact that he could articulate the argument from experience — a logical fallacy, but one that people are usually unwilling to call out when it involves the survivor of a tragedy. When it comes to campaign finance reform, however, what special insight does Hogg have? He certainly can’t fall back on the argument from experience in this situation. How much thought and/or study has he given the issue? Apparently not much, given that he always seems to bring things back to gun control even when it’s totally inapplicable:
Please enroll in that class posthaste. This is getting excruciatingly painful to watch.
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