Monday, July 23, 2018

How Stupid Can You Get?

Republican Lawmaker Exposes

 Himself, Faces Calls For Resignation

  • 07/23/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
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Republican Lawmaker Exposes Himself, Faces Calls For Resignation
The latest "victim" duped by gonzo comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is facing calls to resign after he allowed a television crew to film him exposing himself and yelling racial slurs.

Apparently, Rep. Jason Spencer (R) agreed to do so because Cohen, poorly-disguised as an Israeli counterterrorism expert, convinced the Georgia lawmaker the "technique" wards off homophobic Islamic terrorists. (The Hill)

In the video, Spencer repeatedly shouts the N-word after Cohen tells him that using the “forbidden” word will help ward off terrorists.

In another clip, Spencer pulls down his pants and chases Cohen with his buttocks exposed, yelling “USA, motherf-----!”

Spencer also reportedly gives an offensive impression of a “Chinese tourist” in the episode and stabs a knife into a mannequin wearing a hijab.

Spencer, who recently was defeated in the GOP primary after serving four terms, had threatened legal action against Showtime to prevent the network from airing the footage.

Georgia House Speaker David Ralston and Governor Nathan Deal – both Republicans – urged the outgoing representative to spare the GOP further embarrassment and resign immediately.
 Source: AAN
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