Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Maybe Pro-Abortion Strike Supporters Have Found A Way To Reduce Number Of Abortions

Pro-Abortion Women Start ‘Sex Strike’ To Save ‘Roe v. Wade’

Latex condoms sit waiting to be packaged at a Sagami Rubber Industries Co. factory in Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016. Demand for foreign-brand rubbers has surged in China, and its tourists visiting Japan in record numbers a
Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Pro-abortion women are starting a sex strike to save abortion — and if you aren't smacked by the irony of that, something is wrong with you.
Spooked by the Supreme Court vacancy of Justice Anthony Kennedy, Harper's Bazaar political editor-at-large Jennifer Wright called for a sex strike from fellow pro-abortion gals to save landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade. Wright instructed her pro-abortion allies to withhold sex and dating "with anyone who doesn't support a woman's right to choose."
The women were told to signal their solidary by posting a female judge emoji in their "dating profiles" and using the hashtag #Lysistrata, in reference to the Greek play wherein women withhold sex in a crusade to end the Peloponnesian War.
Ironically, President Donald Trump is reportedly considering Judge Amy Barrett for the SCOTUS vacancy, a female who called Roe v. Wade an "erroneous decision" in a 2003 scholarly article. Yes, a female judge.
"We're very likely to lose Roe Vs. Wade. Some men may think that doesn't concern them. Make it," posted Wright, adding, "If you're single and dating, add a [female judge] emoji to your dating profiles to show people you won't date/sleep with anyone who doesn't support a woman's right to choose."
"Sex strikes like these have proven surprisingly effective at creating political change through history," she added, posting an article from Quartz.
Like clockwork, "empowered" pro-abortion women obediently took the sex directive from Wright, because only feminists should be able to tell you what do with your body.
If you're a man who is not down with their baby being killed in utero in the name of female empowerment: you've been warned. Or saved.

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