Thursday, July 5, 2018

Michael Moore Can't Even Write A Succinct Tweet!

Michael Moore's July 4th Tweet Inspires Wrong Kind Of 'Resistance' Online

Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images
Leave it to grumpy radical-left documentarian Michael Moore to unintentionally give his fellow Americans a chance for some online patriotic fun on the Fourth of July.
In a tweet that makes less sense the longer you ponder it, Moore did the thing that the Left supposedly hates: he "appropriated" Independence Day by doing a little revisionist history and rebranding it for the #Resistance:
Happy Resistance Day!
The revolt continues, some 242 years later.
C’mon, people! Let’s finish this!
So apparently we're still fighting the War for Independence and the "revolt" against . . . our democratically elected president "continues" . . . Wait, what? While many of Moore's fans seemed to understand the tortured analogy, the mocking responses, as noted by Twitchy, came fast and furious. A few highlights, including the first one out the gate:
Some pointed out that Moore and his radical Resistance aren't doing the Democrats any favors:
And, of course, there were the inevitable food jokes. One example is enough:
Despite having become a self-styled leader of the Resistance radicals, Moore was actually one of the few on the Left who understood Trump's appeal in 2016, famously predicting that everyone would have to get used to saying "President Trump" after November and rightly pointing to the Rust Belt as the reason Trump would dethrone the once "inevitable" Hillary Clinton.

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