Monday, July 2, 2018

Oh But, But, But--They Were Harmless! Sure!

Gaza Terrorists Breach Israeli Border; IDF Opens Fire, Killing One

The IDF fired at four terrorists from Gaza who infiltrated Israel, killing one and seriously injuring another.
By: World Israel News Staff
The IDF opened fire Monday afternoon on four terrorists who infiltrated the border fence separating Gaza from Israel.
The four attempted to set on fire an abandoned army outpost in the southern section of Gaza.
One terrorist was killed. Another was critically wounded and transported to a hospital for medical treatment.
A third terrorist was captured and transferred to the custody of security forces for interrogation. No one on the Israeli side was injured.
“Our forces fired at four terrorists who infiltrated the border fence and tried to set on fire an abandoned sharpshooters’ tower. The terrorists were armed with cutters and flammable materials. IDF soldiers identified the terrorists and fired at them,” the IDF stated.

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