Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Socialists And Leftists Take Care Of Themselves First And The People Be Damned!

NYC’s Socialist Mayor Uses Counter Terrorism Plane for Vacation Travel

NYC's Socialist Mayor Uses Counter Terrorism Plane for Vacation Travel
For a far-left Democrat gunning for the presidency, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio sure has his priorities in order.
The same mayor who couldn’t be bothered to stick around his own city last year when a police officer was murdered because he felt called to be at a protest in Europe decided to interrupt a Canadian vacation to return to New York for a ceremony to name a street after the fallen hero.
And to do it, he drafted the use of a $3 million airplane that’s supposed to be part of the New York City Police Department’s arsenal against terror.
Sure, it seems hypocritical for a man who pretends to believe in equality to be availing himself of a luxury ordinary people could never dream of. He can use a plane no one else has, paid for by everyone else’s money, for his own pleasure, as well as his pursuit of higher office.
But for liberals like de Blasio, it’s just one of the perks of power – and some NYPD officers weren’t happy.
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“It is very unusual to go on an international flight to go pick up the mayor,” one source told the New York Post.
“I think it’s excessive, because that wasn’t what that plane was designed to do. It’s designed for counterterrorism measures. To go to Canada to get the mayor? It’s excessive.”
Leave aside the fact that the governor of one of the country’s biggest states decides to go abroad for his vacation – and spend his money outside the country. Nt even the blindest Democrat could think it’s a legitimate use of a taxpayer-funded anti-terrorism plane to act as a taxi for a governor on private time.
It’s worse than “excessive.” It’s appalling, but it fits right in with de Blasio’s showboating style.

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A fatal attack on any police officer is horrendous, but the murder of Officer Miosotis Familia (she was promoted to detective posthumously) was particularly heinous.
The mother of three, who also cared for her aging mother, was ambushed as she sat in an NYPD vehicle in the early hours of July 5, 2017. Her only “crime” to the deranged killer who targeted her, was being a cop.
The fact that she was also black obviously meant nothing to the man who killed her – even though the crime was fueled in part by her killer’s lethal hatred for police, like the kind generated by the Black Lives Matter movement.
“Police is f—-ts, and this ain’t no gimmick,” the killer, Alexander Bonds, wrote on a Facebook post in September 2016, according to the Post. ”That’s where your taxpayer money be going, to pay off your own people being murdered. N—-s ain’t taking it no more, Mr. Officer.”
Familia’s death apparently didn’t mean much to de Blasio either, since he decided to fly off to Germany to protest at the Group of 20 summit of industrialized nations in Hamburg. That fit the kind of profile the mayor wants to build for his widely expected run for the Democrat nomination in 2020.
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He’s expected to be competing with other New Yorkers – Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. And who knows, maybe even Hillary Clinton herself might be making another try at it.
Clearly, de Blasio thinks it’s time to start trying to make up for the utter indifference he showed to New York’s police officers when Familia was murdered last year.
But if the social media reaction to news of de Blasio’s behavior was any indication, he didn’t do himself any favors.
That last line probably sums up the reaction of ordinary Americans the best — tired of the showboating; tired of Democrat hypocrisy; and tired of liberals constantly pretending they’re better than the rest of the country, when the evidence shows exactly the opposite, from Harvey Weinstein to Maxine Waters.
And if de Blasio and his fellow “progressives” had any sense, they would understand they’re chasing a fool’s errand planning a national presidential campaign based on a liberal ideology even further to the left of the Democrat agenda that voters rejected in 2016.
But de Blasio has cast his lot with the far left, and if he needs to use an airplane that should be devoted to anti-terrorism activities to ferry him back from a vacation abroad to try to cover up his depraved indifference to the lives of police — then so be it.
De Blasio has his priorities in order.
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