Monday, July 23, 2018

The Socialist From New York Has No Problem Taking Money From Wall Street--A Bit Hypocritical? She Should Fit In With All The Other Dishonest Dems

Closer Look at Ocasio-Cortez Donations Should Make Her Supporters Furious

The Democrats’ new “It” girl might really be full of “it.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been lighting up Democrat nights ever since her surprise victory in June over veteran machine politician Joe Crowley in New York’s 14thCongressional District.
That a young, Hispanic woman defeated a 10-term incumbent who also happened to be a white man made the leftist-progressive wing of the party just giddy with delight. That she publicly identifies herself as a “Democratic socialist” just made the increasingly powerful radical wing of the Democrat party ecstatic.
But new information making the rounds about Ocasio-Cortez’s fundraising is casting a shadow on the Democrats’ rising star – or it should be.
According to Open Secrets, the website of the Center for Responsive Politics, the top donors to Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign include not only the expected suspects – like, but also from donors at the kind of traditional big-money powerhouses that the new Democrats claim to loath: like JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the $1.9 billion investment firm Elevation Partners.
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The amounts aren’t staggering in the context of American politics today: JPMorgan Chase was the source of $3,399; Elevation $2,700.
But as The Daily Wire pointed out, the “race isn’t a magnet for big money.” After all, it’s in a solidly Democrat district in solidly Democrat New York City. Democrats hoping for a blue wave to take back power in the House of Representatives have more important races to consider.
Still, the idea of the fervently anti-capitalist Ocasio-Cortez soiling her working class hands with money from the symbols of Wall Street should give even her dewy-eyed supporters pause.
The facts that she’s clearly a numbskull when it comes to international affairs, might not have a solid grasp on the fundamentals of American politics, and hasn’t been entirely honest about her background would only matter if she were a Republican.

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But having a funding stream coming from Wall Street – even if it’s just from employees at major operations like JPMorgan Chase?
That should make young Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s sincerity at least open to question. (Her qualifications for office aren’t really in question – she clearly has none.)
The news that she is taking money from The Man definitely didn’t do Ocasio-Cortez any favors on social media.
It’s important to note that the disclosures don’t mean Ocasio-Cortez was getting checks with “JPMorgan Chase & Co” in the signature line. According to the Federal Elections Commission, candidates receiving donations of more than $200 are required to record them by listing the donor’s full name and mailing address, occupation and employer. The corporations’ names on Open Secrets reflect those employers.
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The important point is that Ocasio-Cortez is taking money that, one way or another, is coming from the same kind of institutions her political philosophy – such as it is – should despise.
In this regard, she’s just following the example of her party elders. As The Daily Wire Notes:
Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) regularly cashes checks from corporations like AT&T and Comcast, newly minted “Democratic socialist” and anti-ICE activist, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) counts Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, the Blackstone Group, and even pharmaceutical giant Pfizer among her choice contributors. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) took money from Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Boeing, Amazon and healthcare giant Kaiser Permanente.
Ocasio-Cortez has yet to win her general election, though the odds of anyone but a Democrat representing New York’s 14th Congressional District are so low as to be infinitesimal.
But judging by the fundraising information coming out, she’s no different from every other hypocritical, dishonest Democrat plaguing American politics today.
She’s the Democrat Party’s “It” girl, but she appears to be just as full of “it” as the rest.
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