Monday, July 23, 2018

This Is How The Left Has A Discussion!

Man and Woman Launch Vicious Attack on Seattle Teen for Wearing MAGA Hat in Public

Wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat in Seattle can be dangerous, as one Illinois teenager is sharing with the world.
Ashton Hess, who was vacationing with his family in Seattle recently, has released a video showing how he was harassed for wearing one of the trademark red hats worn by supporters of President Donald Trump.
Hess said that he was with his family waiting for a ride outside the Starbucks Reserve Roastery when the incident occurred, Fox News reported.
“My hat was knocked on the ground and picked up by the girl you see at the beginning of the video. She threw the hat to the man with green hair and he took off with it. He spat on it and then threw it into the street. He continued to curse at and flip off my family,” Hess wrote on his YouTube account, where he posted the video.
(This video contains some language.)
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“I did absolutely nothing to provoke anyone around, and was completely blind sided when I was hit. He was quick to run away after my dad, my brother, and I started walking after him. The left doesn’t care about who you are (or) what you stand for. The left only knows that you must be evil,” he wrote.
The man then told Hess to “get the f— out (of) this city.”

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Hess, who is from Illinois, summarized the incident in an interview with station KIRO.
“This guy just runs up and hits me in the head, knocking my hat off … he took off down the street with it, spit on it and threw it in the street, and he turned around and started cursing at me for no reason,” Hess said.
Hess said there have been times when the hat attracts glares, but he said he “never expected something like to be hit in the head over a hat I was wearing.”
Hess and his family followed up with an interview with The Daily Wire.
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“I was angry that this guy thought he had the right to attack our son because he disagreed with the text on his hat,” The Daily Wire quoted the teenager’s parents as saying. “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; if you disagree with that opinion, you’re not free to be aggressive.”
The Daily Wire identified the man who harassed Hess as Eddie Jackson. Several tweets from a green-haired man who said he is “non-binary” show him boasting of the incident.
Hess, 17, said he has known the left is intolerant ever since he wore a pro-NRA hat to a left-wing march to see what happened.
“I’ve been exposed to the craziness of the left already,” Hess said. “This was just the second thing that has occurred that’s showed me really how intolerant and unaccepting the left is.”
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