Monday, July 16, 2018

What An Uplifting, Enlightened Message!

WATCH: Planned Parenthood's New Ad Campaign Will 'Protect Your Freedom To F***'


Activists participate in a rally to support Planned Parenthood March 1, 2017 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Planned Parenthood held a 'We Are Planned Parenthood Capitol Takeover Day' to lobby legislators not to defund the organization.
Alex Wong / Staff / Getty Images
Planned Parenthood has a classy new ad campaign aimed at New Yorkers who want to ensure the next Supreme Court justice doesn't infringe on their God-given right to have sex with anything that moves.
Ad Week reports that PPUSA is rolling out the "Freedom to F***" campaign, urging urban millennials to contribute to Planned Parenthood's well-stocked coffers, "to make sure that everyone has access to the sexual and reproductive health care services they need" when their promiscuous lifestyles go horribly awry.
"New Yorkers collectively have more sex than the rest of the country, so Planned Parenthood wants to ensure that all of the sexually active New Yorkers have access to reproductive health care," the advertising watchdog claims.
The ad even features a video that's every bit as serious as you'd expect.
“Planned Parenthood of New York City had to be brave and make fearless decisions to overcome their daunting challenges. So our first goal was getting them to embrace that. Which they certainly did,” Planned Parenthood's ad agency told Ad Week.
“We wanted to be celebratory in the face of massive opposition rather than plead their case in a typical PSA campaign that’s easy to ignore. ‘Freedom to F*ck’ is meant to speak to a younger generation more empowered than ever and hopefully willing to help. It all starts with the courage to do something different and we believe we have already succeeded,” the company continued.
Contrary to Planned Parenthood's claims, there aren't waves of activists looking to ban birth control outright, toss condoms from drug stores, or prevent scores of leftist city-dwellers from having all the irresponsible sex they want, with partners from among any of the 47 "officially" recognized genders. Sure, there's opposition to providing birth control free of charge, but that has little to do with whether you can pick up a month's supply of overpriced birth control at your local Planned Parenthood.
New York, by the way, isn't in danger of losing even that. After all, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been very clear that he'll "sue the Supreme Court" if they overturn Roe v. Wade, even if that's not logistically possible.
Oddly enough, though, the campaign extends beyond people who might disagree with Planned Parenthood politically. It includes swag with slogans like, "F*** influencers who get free clothes," "F*** your loud as f*** upstairs neighbor," and "F*** anyone with a designer handbag" — statements that might indicate your sexual preference, but could contribute to the organization's mission creep.
(None of the badges read "F*** Planned Parenthood," though, conveniently.)

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