Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Why Is The Press Not Investigating Bill Browder?

Putin's Bombshell Claim About Hillary

  • 07/17/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
Putin's Bombshell Claim About Hillary
Russian President Vladimir Putin made a startling allegation during his press conference with Donald Trump yesterday that many overlooked due to the American president's questionable remarks which he walked back this afternoon.

Per WorldNetDaily:

“Vladimir Putin made a bombshell claim during Monday’s joint press conference with President Trump in Helsinki, Finland, when the Russian president said some $400 million in illegally earned profits was funneled to the Clinton campaign by associates of American-born British financier Bill Browder – at one time the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia. The scheme involved members of the U.S. intelligence community, said Putin, who he said ‘accompanied and guided these transactions.'”

The report explained the situation developed after an offer from Russia to allow special counsel Robert Mueller’s team to come to Russia for their investigation – as long as there was a reciprocal arrangement for Russian intelligence to investigate in the U.S.

Putin said, “For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Well that’s their personal case.”

Putin continued, “It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. So we have solid reason to believe that some [U.S.] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest in questioning them.”

While Putin's gangster tendencies are not in any way compatible with representative democracy and his past actions inevitably cast doubt on his motives, the supposed acts he attributes to the Clintons sound extremely plausible given the couple's history.
 Source: AAN

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