Thursday, August 9, 2018

Another Inner City Dem Takes Money Away From Schools

Dem Pleads Guilty to Bankrupting Inner-City Schools

  • 08/09/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
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Dem Pleads Guilty to Bankrupting Inner-City Schools
By Carol M. Highsmith ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway (D) has pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges, according to documents filed in federal court earlier this morning. (Breitbart)

In a press conference, Cox announced Caraway, 66, was part of a scheme that bankrupted Dallas County Schools (DCS), a bus agency, along with businessman Bob Leonard, who owned the surveillance company that took millions from DCS. She said Leonard paid Caraway and Rick Sorrells, the former DCS superintendent, more than $3.5 million in bribes, kickbacks, and other benefits. In April, Sorrells pleaded guilty to accepting more than $3 million.

Caraway, the second most powerful official at Dallas City Hall, resigned from his seat on the city council Thursday effective immediately, said Cox. He pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy, wire fraud, and tax evasion. She said each charge carries a sentence of five years in federal prison. For his cooperation, the legal parties agreed to 84 months imprisonment. Leonard was charged with one count of conspiracy.

WFAA reported that Caraway admitted to taking more than $450,000 in bribes, kickbacks, and other benefits in exchange for city council votes favoring Leonard’s camera company, Force Multiplier Solutions, which sought to work with DCS as part of a stop-arm-camera program, according to documents filed in Dallas federal court Thursday morning. Allegedly, the bribes and kickbacks began in 2011. Cox said Caraway failed to report the money for income tax purposes.

Caraway surrendered Thursday and was booked into jail. Cox said his sentencing is set for mid-December.

Also known for his uncompromising leftist stances, Caraway demanded the NRA cancel its upcoming 2018 convention in Dallas.

The disgraced politician now faces seven years in federal prison.


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