Sunday, August 19, 2018

Colorado Cake Baker Is Being Targeted, There Is No Doubt

Bill Maher Asks Brutal Question Cakeshop Critics Can’t Answer: ‘Is There Only 1 Bakery in Colorado?’

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
HBO comedian and liberal pundit Bill Maher proved that adage correct in an episode of his “Real Time” on Friday.
Maher first lamented the far-left denouncement of free speech in a surprising defense of polarizing Infowars host Alex Jones.
“Everybody gets to speak,” Maher said.
Maher’s next bout of enlightenment may have been accidental.
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In a monologue that was meant to elicit laughs, Maher actually asked a question (whether in jest or not) that many people lambasting the Masterpiece Cakeshop would struggle to answer.
After the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips went all the way to the Supreme Court, he is in yet another asinine legal battle after refusing to bake a cake celebrating a person making a transgender conversion.
Note that Phillips has never refused service to customers based on their sexuality, or anything else. He refuses to bake a cake that would celebrate an event that conflicted with his beliefs — which includes same-sex marriage cakes, divorce cakes, Halloween cakes, etc.
“Remember the baker in Colorado who refused to make a wedding cake for the gay couple, it went all the way to the Supreme Court? Now he’s back in court because he wouldn’t bake a cake for a couple celebrating — or somebody celebrating gender transition,” Maher explained in his monologue.

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He then went for some laughs despite the biting truth behind his quip.
“Is there only one bakery in Colorado?” Maher asked. He also joked about “the big business opportunity” of opening his own liberal-themed bakery in Colorado.
But his question is actually spot on.
How is it, exactly, that this one particular bakery has become embroiled in controversy again? A cursory search of bakers in Lakewood, Colorado (where Masterpiece Cakeshop resides) yields many alternatives for those needing to satisfy their bakery needs. Kogler’s Bakery, Elegant Bakery, Sweet Ride Bakeshop, Cakes by Karen, Azucar Bakery, Designer Cakes Co., and Valhalla Cakes all make cakes in the Lakewood area.
And that was the simple result of a quick Google search. If a gay couple or someone celebrating a gender transition wanted a cake to specifically celebrate what they want, even the most rudimentary of online searches would’ve yielded countless other alternatives. If the effort to type in a quick search on their smartphone is too much effort, they have far more significant problems than a bakery refusing to make them a cake.
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Based on the number of other bakers in the immediate area, it’s hard to think of Masterpiece Cakeshop’s woes as anything other than a targeted witch hunt against someone whose religious beliefs don’t conform to far-left ideologies.
So to answer Maher, no, there isn’t just one bakery in Colorado. Which makes it pretty obvious that people are specifically targeting Masterpiece Cakeshop.

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