Sunday, August 26, 2018

Everytime She Opens Her Mouth She Proves That She Is An Idiot

Ocasio-Cortez Does It Again: ‘Americans Are Dying’ From Global Warming

Ocasio-Cortez Does It Again: 'Americans Are Dying' From Global Warming
Democratic socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have met her toughest opponent yet … and it’s not a political challenger.
It’s reality.
The wide-eyed 28-year-old, who is running for Congress in New York, has already made a series of gaffes which call into question her grasp of basic economics and international relations.
Bernie-backed Ocasio-Cortez more recently put her foot in her mouth by declaring that Immigration and Customs Enforcement “sexually assaults women with impunity,” despite not having any solid evidence to back up this shocking claim.
That wild accusation was even more disturbing in light of the sexually-motivated murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal alien, the exact kind of situation that ICE agents are working overtime to prevent.
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The socialist candidate seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. Not deterred by her chain of blunders, Ocasio-Cortez made yet anther hysterical claim on Wednesday, and it’s about as far away from factual as possible.
In a hand-wringing Twitter post on August 22nd, she insisted that global warming was killing Americans.
“Our children’s lives are on the line,” Ocasio-Cortez began, getting an early start on the cliched hyperbole.

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“Americans are dying because of a government too coward (sic) to save the planet,” she continued. “It’s wrong. And we will need a Green New Deal to survive.”
Yes, Americans — but especially the children— are dying from climate change and unless we elect socialists like her, we won’t survive.
Setting aside the fact that the college-educated Democrat apparently can’t spell “cowardly,” there are more holes in her argument than even Al Gore sees in the ozone layer.
The socialist provided no backing for her over-the-top claim. Which Americans? Where? How? But don’t worry, we’re on the case anyway.
First is the pesky fact that life expectancy for Americans is going up, not down. A child born in the U.S. today can reasonably expect to live to be over 78 years old. That’s the highest it’s ever been, and up a whopping ten years from just 1963.
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In other words, even if you believe that global warming has been increasing over the last half a century — something that experts are still debating — American life expectancy is increasing at the exact same time.
An inconvenient truth, indeed.
But what about pollution? Contrary to liberal claims that the U.S. desperately needs to join international agreements like the Paris accord in order to clean up its act, the data shows that America is leading the way when it comes to green living among major nations.
“In the most recent WHO report on air pollution, the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world, significantly cleaner in fact than the air in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Japan, Austria and France,” Breitbart recently explained.
Alright, but surely deadly hurricanes, like the one currently barreling down on Hawaii, can be blamed on global warming. Right?
Wrong. Despite attempts by the media to link a perceived increase in tropical storms to global warming, scientists say there just isn’t enough evidence to make that claim.
“It is premature to conclude that human activity — and particularly greenhouse warming — has already caused a detectable change in Atlantic hurricane activity,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration admitted earlier this year.
In simple terms, even if some experts suspect that hurricanes may become more intense at some point in the future, the data doesn’t show it happening yet, which completely deflates Ocasio-Cortez’s sweeping claim about “Americans dying” because of warming.
The former director of the National Hurricane Center said essentially the same thing during a CNN appearance last year, during much media hype about supposedly “unprecedented” storm activity near the United States.
“I’m not — I probably wouldn’t attribute what we’re looking at here (to global warming),” stated hurricane expert Bill Reed.
“This is not an uncommon occurrence to see storms grow and intensify rapidly in the western Gulf of Mexico,” he continued, taking the wind out of CNN’s sails. “That’s as long as we’ve been tracking them, that has occurred.”
Here’s the bottom line: Every good news outlet, including this one, is expected to base their stories on fact. That’s why we provide links to sources and have high editorial standards for every article.
Public officials and candidates for office must be held to the same general standard. When someone like Ocasio-Cortez runs their mouth, for lack of a better term, and spouts off fear-based nonsense with no factual sources, everyone loses.
The left claims to hold the high ground on science. That’s debatable, but the New York socialist’s hysteria-as-platform approach is the opposite of factual … and it’s ridiculous no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.

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