Friday, August 17, 2018

Ohr Should NOT Have A Security Clearance

Trump Wants To Take Away DOJ

 Official's Clearance

  • 08/17/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
16 13 2  41
Trump Wants To Take Away DOJ Official's Clearance

President Trump has announced that he is seriously considering stripping
 demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr of his security clearance. Ohr's wife worked
for Fusion GPS, the firm behind the Trump dossier, and was hired to go after

According to Town Hall:
Speaking to reporters on the way to Marine One at the White House Friday

morning, President Trump said he is prepared to strip demoted DOJ official

Bruce Ohr of his security clearance.

"Bruce Ohr is a disgrace. I will be taking it away very quickly," Trump said,

adding his wife also made him a disgrace.

Ohr used his position as associate deputy attorney general at the Obama

Justice Department to go after Donald Trump's run for the White House. His

wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at Fusion GPS and was hired specifically to go after

Trump. Fusion GPS is the research firm that produced the unverified dossier

compiled by British spy Christopher Steele and was used by the FBI to spy

on the Trump campaign.

Ohr was demoted last year when his connection to Fusion GPS and the

dossier was revealed. 
Trump also announced that he has no regrets on stripping former CIA
director John Brennan of his security clearance. Clarifying that he had
 little to no respect for Brennan.


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