Friday, August 17, 2018

Once Again Obama's Suck Ups Try To Mislead Us

Obama Lackey Says Brennan Was Behind bin Laden Takedown, Then SEAL Who Shot Him Fires Back

Obama Lackey Says Brennan Was Behind bin Laden Takedown, Then SEAL Who Shot Him Fires Back
Stolen valor is a crime in the United States. And while comparisons to military heroism is not actual stolen valor, it is of a similar tone by its very nature.
Some notable recent examples of such blatant misrepresentation of civilian actions can begin with an opinion piece for CNN by ethics professor Joseph Holt. Amazingly, Holt wrote, “We thank soldiers for their service because they devote themselves to protecting our freedoms, and we should. But we should also thank the media for the same reason — especially when the stakes have never been higher.”
Another jaw-dropping example is found in comments from Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn. during a congressional hearing. Fox News quoted him as saying, “Mr. Strzok, I don’t know where to start. If I could give you a Purple Heart, I would. You deserve one.”
And now we have yet another mind-blowing example, courtesy of former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications under President Barack Obama, Ben RhodesThe Daily Wire reported that Rhodes was hurling an attack against President Donald Trump over former CIA director John Brennan’s stripped security clearance:
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But of all the people who hit back at Rhodes regarding his ridiculous comparison, one stands out from the rest. It came from someone who “was part of over 400 combat missions.” Retired Navy SEAL Robert J. O’Neill pulled no punches with his succinct retort:
In point of fact, and also illustrating how wrong Rhodes was, ABC News reported that retired Adm. William McRaven “led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden.” McRaven has defended Brennan as “a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question” and told Trump to revoke his (McRaven’s) security clearance, as well.
Further, there are actual examples of Brennan being anything but heroic in his role heading up the CIA. The Guardian columnist Trevor Timm outlined a number of them in a biting commentary:
“… an internal investigation by the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general found that the CIA “improperly” spied on US Senate staffers when researching the CIA’s dark history of torture, it was hard to conclude anything but the obvious: John Brennan blatantly lied to the American public. Again.”

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And later: “the CIA inspector general’s report completely contradicted Brennan’s statements” and “the nation’s top spy is, in fact, a proficient and skilled liar. As Obama’s top counterterrorism advisor for his entire first term in the White House, Brennan built, oversaw, executed and excused America’s robotic assassination program.”
“During a speech in 2011, the keeper of the kill list said there had not been ‘a single collateral death’ from US drone strikes because of their ‘exceptional proficiency [and] precision.’.
“But as the Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported: ‘[J]ust three months beforehand, a major US drone strike had killed 42 Pakistanis, most of them civilians.'”
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Many have commented on how the world seems upside-down now, with right being called wrong, the spineless being lauded as courageous, and the despicable being hailed as heroes. It seems that perhaps Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany Joseph Goebbels was right when he famously said that “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Because despite evidence presented to the contrary, lies, particularly those spread on social media, seem to be quickly lapped up and clung to as gospel truth. They are then later spat out as weapons against those who would dare to speak the truth.
We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

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