Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tomi Has It Right!

Tomi Lahren calls out media double standard on violent Antifa leftists

August 14, 2018 by Ben Baird
Tomi Lahren calls out media double standard on violent Antifa leftistsPhoto via Fox News Youtube Video
Conservative political analyst and Fox News correspondent Tomi Lahren says she is still waiting for Democrats to condemn the loathsome violence on display from left-wing hate groups this weekend in Washington D.C. and Charlottesville.
Let’s hope she isn’t holding her breath.
Speaking during one of her “Final Thoughts” monologues that earned the young conservative a vast and committed following, Lahren was coherent and straightforward: “If you wear a mask, resort to violence and shoot fireworks at people – like ANTIFA did – you are not a “counter-protester.”


The name “Antifa,” used to describe the black-garbed and masked anarchists, communists and social deviants hailing from the left who invariably use violence and vandalism to intimidate their opponents, was largely absent from media broadcasts this weekend. Instead, the press used innocuous terms like “anti-hate groups” and “counter-protestors” to describe “peaceful protests” where police were assaulted and pelted with eggs while reporters had their equipment sabotaged and their coverage obstructed by liberal goons.
Lahren couldn’t help but notice this prejudiced reporting from media sycophants. “‘Unite the Right’ and ANTIFA are both dangerous, disturbing, disgusting. So what’s the difference?” she asked. “While the media categorizes one as bigoted and intolerant, it too often gives the other a pass – or ignores it altogether.”
At just 26-years-old, Lahren knows an unfair fight when she sees one. She emphasized the asymmetrical crowd sizes for those who were unfamiliar:
Over the weekend, a couple dozen members of the hate group “Unite the Right” – known for their racist, white supremacist, and neo-Nazi views – assembled in Washington, DC. They were vastly outnumbered by what the media called “counter-protesters.”
The Fox News pundit went on to explain how the liberal mob included “200 self-described anti-fascists” who “not only confronted the white supremacists, but also threw eggs, water bottles, and shot fireworks at police officers.”
Watch here:

Devilish double standards

Lahren notes that the left, who are all too quick to accuse others of racism and who often attempt to extract the maximum political collateral out of allegations of racism and xenophobia, have failed to condemn militancy from liberal factions. “And if the left wants to call out violence and hate and lawless bigotry,” she argued, “they shouldn’t forget to include these so-called ‘anti-fascists.’”
To her credit, Lahren didn’t give the white supremacists a pass, either, despite the subdued nature of the fringe right crowd over this particular weekend. “The fact that white supremacists – no matter how small the group – still exist in 2018 is saddening, maddening and disgusting.”

Unanswered questions

However, Lahren observed, Democrats never seem to take notice when a conservative condemns bigotry.  She said that “almost every prominent conservative — including the president” and “millions” of “Trump supporters” — strongly denounce racism.
Lahren credits the inability of Democrats to stop these wholesale accusations with the demise of the Democratic Party. “It’s this phony identity politics that lost you the election,” she said. When the left fails to make the distinction between the “America First” and new-Nazism, conservatives will rebel.

Are you sick of the media's double standard that largely gives a pass to violent leftists like Antifa?

Concluding her final thoughts, Lahren argued that, “Conservatives and true patriots are disgusted by the white supremacists – and have been vocal about it.”
“But where are the Democrats calling out the violent left?” she asked. Unfortunately, an answer doesn’t appear to be forthcoming.
The Conservative Institute condemns bigotry in all of its forms.

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