Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Is Pam Right?

More 1 of 70 Egyptian media: John McCain was the “Godfather,” “leader,” and “real Supreme Guide” of the Muslim Brotherhood

The reason for the enemedia’s slobber-fest over John McCain was because he was very much a member of the left-wing guard in spite of his party affiliation.In Egypt, they are far less enamored with him.

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Photo: McCain with Muslim Brotherhood top dog, Mohamed Morsi.


By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, September 3, 2018:
McCain has already been canonized by an establishment media desperate to destroy President Trump in any way it can, but in Egypt they’re not so worshipful. McCain “was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood. Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”
Remember that when Michele Bachmann called for an investigation into Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the U.S. government, McCain denounced her on the Senate floor as a bigot and an Islamophobe. There was no investigation.
“Egyptian media: John McCain is real Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Middle East Monitor, September 3, 2018 (thanks to Lookmann):
Egyptian media has accused the late US senator and presidential nominee John McCain of being the ‘Godfather’, ‘leader’, and ‘real Supreme Guide’ of the Muslim Brotherhood organisation.
In remarks, he made during a talk show aired on Sada El-Balad TV, the Egyptian media personality and TV host Ahmed Moussa claimed that McCain, recognised in the US as a national war hero and longtime senator, was, in fact, the ‘real Supreme Guide’ of the Muslim Brotherhood.
“John McCain is the real Supreme Guide of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, not Badee and not Akef,” Moussa said.
“Today was John McCain’s funeral, which the leaders of the criminal Brotherhood in America have taken part in,” he continued, “ and they performed the Absentee funeral prayer for John McCain in Qatar, Turkey, USA, and Britain. ”
“[McCain] was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood,” he added. “Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”…
Moussa said that McCain was “a stronger ally” to the Muslim Brotherhood than Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani….

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