Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Deep State Brags About Defeating Everything Trumpian

The Internal Revenue Service
The Internal Revenue Service
An Internal Revenue Service staffer says the agency should have been harder on conservatives during the 2012 election when applications for tax-exempt status were obstructed for political reasons.
“Yeah, I don’t give a s— if that is a crime for doing that because … you should give increased scrutiny to those groups because a lot of them are just f—— fronts for the Koch brothers or whatever,” said Thomas Sheehy, an IRS tax examiner and member of the Democratic Socialists of American in Austin, Texas.

The comments were captured by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas undercover series of videos on the “deep state.”
The first three videos were released last week, and at least two people who appeared in them have been disciplined.
The fourth video features two IRS officials “who candidly discuss the IRS’s unfair treatment of conservative non-profit groups.”
They are Thomas Sheehy, an IRS tax examiner and member of the Austin Democratic Socialists of America in Texas, and Jerry Semasek, an IRS attorney in Washington, D.C.
Sheehy praises a former IRS official for hiding evidence.
“John Koskinen. He got a lot of flak for giving increased scrutiny to these tea party groups. Conservatives got really mad at him, he was so cool though because he deleted all the emails, so they could not hold any evidence against him,” Sheehy said.
In a separate meeting, Semasek admits that “mistakes were made.”
He said the law “requires that an organization can’t be political, it can’t be partisan to be tax exempt.”
“Those employees in Cincinnati, Ohio, started to separate them and put them in a pile,” he said. “And it turns out that they were like the tea party group of people. And I think they did, like Lois Lerner and maybe some of her employees were more liberal leaning or Democrats, so I don’t know if they disallowed them, but they required them to produce more documentation to try to prove that they weren’t partisan.”
Semasek continued: “And that was bad. I think, from what people tell me, that really know about, there were mistakes made, but the problem with what happened. … And again, there were mistakes made, and I think probably some people that were advised against conservative groups did make some mistakes.”
Sheehy also boasts of “a lot of paid time off” that enables him to work for the DSA.
“I can just honestly. … I will just stay late for a period. So, I will just call in for the next day,” he said. “I mean, as long as like the manager doesn’t find out and you don’t explicitly say ‘hey I’m calling in sick to do Democratic Socialist of America work’ then I mean like yeah. You know, you just gotta, you just gotta like sort of manage, you know, when and where you’re like doing, like, the work you do.”
Sheehy goes even further, admitting, “yeah,” when asked if he would violate the Constitution if he could get by with it.
“Unfortunately, I am not allowed by the bylaws of my union to go against the Constitution,” he said.
O’Keefe commented: “As our deep state investigation continues to unfold, four government agencies have responded resulting in the removal of two federal employees from their jobs duties.”
The previous videos featured several federal government workers who boasted about doing work for their socialist comrades while being paid by U.S. taxpayers. They discovered that wasn’t a good idea.
For example, the U.S. Government Accountability Office said following the posting of a video featuring employee Natarajan Subramanian that he had been “removed from any ongoing GAO work and cut off from access to GAO equipment.”
“We have a rigorous quality control process with many reviewers that prevents one person from biasing our final reports. But we will also examine his work product as part of our investigation,” the statement said.
He was featured in Project Veritas’ third video.
Stuart Karaffa was caught in another video. At the time, he was a program analyst for the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations.
The State Department said: “We take seriously any allegation of a violation of the Hatch Act and financial disclosure rules and are closely reviewing this matter.” And the DOJ said, “Department policy prohibits misuse of government resources to advance personal interests. We are looking into this immediately and have referred this matter to the inspector general as well.”
WND reported Subramanian’s comments.
“If you’re in [an] executive branch agency you can slow-ball things to a degree, that it’s like ineffective, and maybe you get in trouble, or maybe you get fired or resign or whatever, but you slowed [Trump’s agenda] down for a certain period of time,” he said.Find Out More >

It was the third video in the series. The second had two “deep state” radicals confessing, “There’s a lot of talk about how we can like, resist from inside.”
The first video in the series, released last Tuesday, showed Karaffa boasting of working for the Democratic Socialists of America while he’s being paid by taxpayers.
He explained his task is: “Resist everything. … Every level.”
The third video:
The second video:
The first video:
The IRS scandal erupted under the Obama administration, when the agency admitted its officials obstructed the applications of conservative organizations for tax-exempt status.
Multiple lawsuits resulted, with many resulting in compensation to the conservative organizations, WND has reported.
The IRS also apologized, releasing a statement: “For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.”


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