Saturday, October 6, 2018

Couldn't Happen To A Bigger Hater

Maxine Waters hit with 3 ethics violation charges


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Radical leftist Representative Maxine Waters, of California, has been hit with three charges of ethical violations by the House Committee on Ethics.
CBS News reports that the charges related to whether Waters gave inappropriate assistance to a bank that got federal bail-out money and to which she had personal connections. The ethics committee charged that Waters organized a meeting in 2008 between Treasury officials and executives from OneUnited Bank, where her husband was once a board member and had large investments. The bank received $12 million from the federal government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program.
Waters serves on the House Financial Services Committee, and there have been rumors for some time that she had acted inappropriately regarding the bailout funds.
According to CBS, Waters has defended her request for the meeting between Treasury officials and OneUnited executives as part of her efforts to advocate on behalf of minority-owned businesses. She maintains she is innocent of any wrongdoing.
The charges are that she violated a House rule that members must “behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House;” that she violated the “spirit” of the House rule that prohibits a member from receiving compensation for exerting improper influence from her position in Congress; and that she violated the Code of Ethics for Government Service.
She will face a public trail before the Ethics Committee in the fall.

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