Friday, October 19, 2018

Democrats Prove They Love Illegal Activities

Texas Dems Need Big Turnout to

 Win, So They Turned HERE

  • 10/19/2018 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
3 4 1  28
Texas Dems Need Big Turnout to Win, So They Turned HERE
By US Border Patrol - Department of Homeland Security, United States Border Patrol, Public Domain,
The Texas Democratic Party is allegedly petitioning non-citizens to register to
 vote, going so far as to send applications that pre-checked the citizenship box 
as "yes."

The Daily Wire reports:

"The Public Interest Legal Foundation [PILF] alerted district attorneys and the

federal Justice Department to the pre-checked applications, and also included

a signed affidavit from a man who said some of his relatives, who aren’t citizens,

received the mailing," The Washington Times reported. "The Texas secretary

of state’s office said it, too, had gotten complaints both from immigrants and

from relatives of dead people who said they got mailings asking them to


"This is how the Texas Democratic Party is inviting foreign influence in an

election in a federal election cycle,” said PILF spokesman Logan Churchwell.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded to the report by saying that there will

be "serious consequences" if the allegations are true.

"A complaint says the Texas Democratic Party asked noncitizens to register

to vote, sending applications with citizenship box pre-checked," Abbott said

in a tweet. "This is being investigated. If true there will be serious


The bombshell comes as crucial midterm elections are less than three 
weeks away.


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