Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Is This What The United States Has Descending Into?

Vermont mother, GOP candidate says she received left-wing death, rape threat: ‘We are hunting you’

Vermont mother, GOP candidate says she received left-wing death, rape threat: ‘We are hunting you’
A Vermont mother of two daughters who's running as a Republican for the state's House of Representatives said she received a left-wing death and rape threat in a pro-"Socialism" letter mailed to her home. (Image source: WCAX-TV video screenshot)
A Vermont mother of two daughters who’s running as a Republican for the state’s House of Representatives said she received a left-wing death and rape threat in a pro-“Socialism” letter mailed to her home, WCAX-TV reported.
Deserae Morin posted a photo of the letter on Facebook:
Image source: Facebook, redacted
In a “cutout” word format, the letter begins “C***” and continues with, “We are hunting you. My comrades will kill you and the Constitution. First we will rape you for years. You will scream and know that agonizing horror. No equal rights for Republicans. Socialism is here. Open season for Republican death in Vermont. Fear our revolution. It’s time.” The letter, mailed to Morin’s home in Colchester, is signed “AA.”
Vermont state police are investigating, the station reported, adding that Morin said an internal Post Office task force is looking into the letter.

What did Morin have to say about the letter?

“It’s like how dare you?” Morin told WCAX. “I’m a traitor to their ideology. Like, they just assume because I’m young and I’m female that automatically I should be leftist — and I’m not, and that makes people really mad at me.”
She added to the station: “I’m very outspoken. I’m very well spoken. I’m a real threat to socialism, and now socialism is a real threat to me.”
Image source: WCAX-TV video screenshot
However, Morin noted to WCAX that she’s “trying not to take it too seriously because it’s most likely … just an empty threat.” She added to VTDigger that some of the letter used clippings from campaign material Morin handed out in her community.
“I knew on some level I’ve made contact with this person,” Morin added to the outlet. “They’re somewhere in the vicinity, geographically speaking. And that’s unsettling.”
She also told VTDigger that she “knew there was going to be pushback — especially being Republican in Vermont. I just never expected something this extreme.”
Morin told the outlet her family has taken security measures. But she told WCAX she’s also concerned about her young female supporters.
“I’m not comfortable asking them to come out anymore because I don’t want to be responsible for somebody else getting hurt,” Morin told the station. “I feel like I have to protect them now.”

What are others saying about the letter?

Jack Moulton, executive director of the Vermont Republican Party, told VTDigger the party is “thankful” that police are investigating the threat.
Lt. Gov. David Zukerman — a “progressive” Democrat, according to the outlet — condemned the threatening letter in a public speech: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s extreme right, or extreme left, that is not who we are in Vermont.”
But Zukerman also managed to bash President Donald Trump in the process.
“We cannot take the energy that’s coming out of our president in Washington and allow it taint our water, our spirit and our souls,” he added, according to VTDigger. “We are better than that.”
Christopher Di Mezzo, communications director for the Vermont Democratic Party, told the outlet in an email that the party believes whoever is responsible for the threat will be prosecuted.
“Threats of political violence fly in the face of our shared values as Vermonters and have no place in our public discourse,” he said.
It should be noted that numerous “victims” have claimed violence and acts of hatred and bigotry were perpetrated against them — sometimes at the hands of white men or Trump supporters — only to see their claims debunked as hoaxes and lies.

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